Will there ever be a world government, and would we want it?

Will there ever be a world government, and would we want it?

The newspaper "The Guardian"(@theguardian; #thegardian ) asks:

Will there ever be a world government, and would we want it?

The short answer is the governments or nation-states do not want it, the citizens of Earth do want it, but only if it really represents them.

What exists on planet Earth is a creation of planet Earth, it is Hers. Not only does it belong to Her, but is free for us, Humans, to use. Yet Humans have built constructs such as the nation-state system where some class of Humans will claim ownership, privileges, exclusive rights of ownership and commerce over land and other resources. What a great act of theft over the planet by Humans. If that was not enough, Humans came up with other fakes.

Capitalism, greed, scarcity, ideology, socialism, communism, collectivism, Nazism, "rentism", religion, currency, monarchy, dictatorship, democracy are some of the greatest “achievements” of Humans over the Millennia. Hunger, famine, poverty, war and injustices of all kinds, are nothing new under the sun. The real question is: “when will it stop?”

Probably never, or as a matter of fact, this world government is what is needed to stop the madness.

As Michio Kaku underlined in different interviews, ”it is the savagery, the bigotry, the fundamentalist ideas that prevent us from achieving a type 1 civilization status" or in simple terms, a truly planetary civilization, in which a world government or an Earth republic elected by and for the citizens of Earth, truly represents the citizens and is devoted to ensure the well-being of all Earth citizens equally.

Our problems, the problems we have created and that we keep on creating are planetary problems. War, terrorism, migrations, cyber-criminality and more, cannot be solved at the artificial construct nation-state level.

Would we want it?

Who is "we" in this inquiry? The question is certainly who would want it.

No citizen can want a “world government” that is disconnected from its citizens, an illegitimate government of oligarchs who systematically steal elections and hijack the democratic systems just because they are in power and they can.

Citizens perfectly understand that the UN has been rendered useless by the same oligarchs who pervert democratic systems at the nation-state level. Citizens would certainly agree to see a UN parliamentary assembly elected by Earth citizens, a president of the UN elected by Earth citizens, tasked to form a government of ministers chosen among the parliamentarians elected by the citizens, and, a judiciary elected by the UN parliamentary assembly. Who can object to have truly representative Earth Republic? Many Europeans request the same for the reform of the EU.

Will a functioning and elected United Nations or United Earth, to use a Star Trek terminology, exist at one point in time?

It already exists, it is only a matter of time; more precisely a matter of global and geopolitical events, a major extinction level event will make Humanity wake up to its oneness, to its unity behind the veil of the nationalist false-identity. The only reason the nation-state is still alive is because of its inherent violence, domestically and internationally, the use of repression upon its citizens, that must "obey", "sleep", "consume", "marry and reproduce" as John Carpenter shows us in his movie They Live.

The type of extinction level events that could wake us up are: a planetary-wide environmental catastrophic event, a planetary-wide nuclear or biological or chemical war that would plunge us in a nuclear winter; a planetary-wide civil war where citizens will no longer accept to be poisoned by pandemics, tortured, imprisoned, executed, or be put under systematic surveillance by the ruling political oligarchs.

Only one of these events will make stop our self-destructive behavior and extreme duality to finally embrace the concept of a multicultural multiethnic science-centric tolerant and inclusive society.

When could it happen?

Just as nuclear war can happen literally tomorrow, this Earth Federation, elected by Earth citizens could happen tomorrow; yet the speed at which it can happen depends on the severity and scale of the events that are yet to come; only a planetary-wide catastrophe or awakening can shake or even destroy the status quo that the oligarchs are maintaining to profit from it.

The European Union (EU) which is a confederation, not a federation yet, and its greatest achievement which is the single market of citizens, goods and services, is a model that can be easily transposed and improved to shape the planetary level republic, today.

While many aspects of the EU is flawed and many want to transform it into a federation, there is nothing besides a political will from the states that could block the manifestation of a planetary version of the EU.

A multilateral treaty would create the world citizenship and this planetary version of the EU.

The single market would be the most difficult part to achieve of course because there is too much inequality between rich and poor countries, between small and big countries both in land and population.

All the details of this new UN treaty can be discussed and agreed upon in a multilateral international constitutional assembly of governments and citizens that will debate how this organization will be structured.

Yet, it would be preferable that this constitutional assembly of this Earth Federation happens before any catastrophic event, the most probable and closest in time, being a planetary-wide war, a conventional or a nuclear one.

The ruling oligarchs of this planet have great interests in seeing the worst happen to humanity because as Warren Buffet said, “there is an ongoing war of classes and the rich are winning”; because reducing the world population seem to be the only solution these oligarchs have thought of to solve the climate crisis while maintaining capitalism, and, because there is nothing as lucrative for the industrial-military complex of the nation-states than a war and its victory.

Progress towards a type 1 civilization is inevitable, the question is before or after the catastrophe, and, in my opinion, it will only happen after a major catastrophe because this version Humanity cannot understand the benefits of a post-scarcity world without money and capitalism.

The choice is ours, the choice of the citizens, to push for this change to be achieved without violence, today.

I believe, sadly, that only my children will understand what needs to be done and will achieve the post-scarcity world we desperately need...

Live Long & Prosper.

- Frederic Eger


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