After receiving thousands of views on the series of articles about working offshore, the Offshore Oil and Gas PEOPLE articles have now been compiled into a convenient book format.
Working on an offshore drilling rig is something most people will never get to experience in their lifetime. It is like no other workplace in the world and only those who have worked offshore can appreciate the diversity of people, cultures and roles that are represented in their remote “office”.
Offshore Oil and Gas PEOPLE is an overview of what it’s like to work on an oil rig, and the role everyone plays in getting the job done safely and on time. The saying “Time is Money” is the mantra that everyone works to offshore with wells costing up to one hundred million dollars to drill. With such big money at stake it’s easy to see why it is such a high-pressured environment to work in.
This handy guide can serve as a pre-deployment induction manual for all new starters in the industry so they know what to expect when they get to a rig for the first time. There are lots of rules and regulations when working offshore and knowing what to expect before you disembark from the chopper that very first time will help make your introduction to the industry that much easier.
For people wanting to get into the industry, this book explains the many roles that can be explored; from an entry-level no-experience-needed role to those that are highly specialized and found nowhere else in the world. This hi-tech and fast-paced industry has something to offer anyone looking for a challenging career beyond the 9 to 5 grind of city life.
This book is also an informative guide for family or friends of offshore workers who up until now have had no idea what their loved ones actually do when they are at work…and also for those who already work offshore and have no idea what the rest of the people on the rig actually do!
For the next 24 hours the kindle version of the book can be purchased for just USD$2.00 and you can be reading it immediately. You can order it here on Amazon.com and download it directly to your Kindle reader.
The book is also available in print format – either in economical black and white, or if you like color pictures then it’s also available for a limited time in a full color version on Amazon.com
There’s also a handy iBook version that you can download from the iBook store and read on your smart phone while you’re driving – or flying – to work!
Any comments or feedback are welcomed and if your company finds it useful as a pre-deployment induction manual for new starters then it’s possible to custom design it to suit your company’s needs. Please contact the author for further details.
Amanda Barlow is a wellsite geologist in the offshore oil and gas industry with a field-based geology career spanning over three decades. As well as being a recreational marathoner who has run over 40 marathons in 16 different countries she is also a published author of two books: “Call of the Jungle – How a Camping-Hating City-Slicker Mum Survived an Ultra Endurance Marathon through the Amazon Jungle” and also “An Inconvenient Life – My Unconventional Career as a Wellsite Geologist”. You can connect with her through the Pink Petro community, Linkedin https://au.linkedin.com/in/amanda-barlow-21a08b22 or through her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AnInconvenientLife