Ever wonder how Love in Action works?
Friends of Positive Options
Positive Options has been offering pregnancy testing, ultrasounds and support services since 1991.
Have you ever experienced a time when you needed someone?
I mean, REALLY needed someone?
You didn’t need them to say the right thing or tell you that things would get better.
You just needed them to love you in that moment, no questions asked.
You needed to find a way to tap into hope and rediscover your courage.
Who is your person?
To whom do you go to when you need to recover hope, courage and love?
Kaylee* had no one.
She started with her boyfriend Caleb*, and then his family, but left feeling even worse.
She hoped it would be her mom. It was not.
Everyone told her that abortion was her only choice.
Can you imagine what Kaylee* was experiencing when she and Caleb* walked into Positive Options last week?
1 John 3:18
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
This is the true meaning of “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
I know personally that Jesus is “my person”. He is my hope, my love and my courage.
But He put us in community because He knows that we need one another. We need that special person to demonstrate love in action and truth.
Both Kaylee and Caleb were overwhelmed that day.
Kaylee met with Judy*, while Caleb met with Don*.
Before Caleb spoke with Don, he had agreed with his family, that abortion was the only thing that made sense. Through that conversation with Don, Caleb realized that his role as a fatherhad already begun. He came to understand that he was designed by God to protect and love both his child and his girlfriend.
As Kaylee felt an overwhelming support from Judy, she found her courage. She also realized that all of “her people” were motivated more by fear than by love. When Caleb and Kaylee left, they were still uncertain about the choice they would make.
But only a few days later Kaylee called to say that they had cancelled their abortion appointment, and that they were excited about becoming parents.
Kaylee and Caleb discovered the courage to love each other and their baby,
and move forward with renewed hope for their future as a family.
Friends, this couple just needed to experience love in action and in truth.
It is your love in action that has caused their hope to be restored,
their love to be renewed and their child to be rescued from abortion.
Love always protects,
Love always trusts,
Love always hopes,
Love always perseveres,
Love never fails!
I Corinthians 13:8
Thank you for putting love into action.
Keep acting. We need one another now more than ever.
(* Names have been changed for confidentiality.)