Michelle Maree Hardeman-Guptill
I guide smart, driven individuals through transformative healing journeys, helping them navigate emotional challenges & unlock their potential. Together, we’ll break through barriers & foster lasting change. Let’s Chat!
In this series I will be exploring the magic of doing an intensive, rather than a series of 60 - 90 minute sessions. What do intensives allow one to do that "regular" sessions may not.
Reason #1 to do a Transformational Intensive. - Get beneath the pattern and into what's really going on. No more coaching cliffhangers.
I know I've done it. Not consciously, but somehow in that last 5 minutes, finally realizing what I really wanted to say or what I really wanted to explore and then getting upset because I don't have time to get into it.
I get it. Our brain has amazing ways to "defend" us against things we know will get uncomfortable.
*Avoidance of what is hard, boring or scary
*Procrastination and convincing ourselves we work "well under pressure"
*Getting reactive and upset out of proportion with what's really going on
*Running away from conflict
*Giving ourselves excuses "I was just too busy to get it done" (one of my personal favorites).
It's normal. It's natural. It's literally how our brain was designed - to keep us safe at all costs.
But when we are CHOOSING to heal by going to a professional, why would we keep doing that?
Well, that is the million dollar question isn't it?
The simplest answer is that our default patterns win out because they are stronger than the alternative. In order to change them, we need to honor the defenses, get curious about them and learn to work with them and then spend as much time as we can playing in the pattern we WANT.
One of my favorite ways to "play" with this concept is to do an Intensive. To give plenty of time and space for all of our inner objections, fears, sabotaging thoughts, and protective parts to have a space to be heard, listened to, explored and loved on.
And also, plenty of time and space to create and play with the new neutral pathway we want to replace the default.
When we have 4-5 hrs together, we can move through that frozen layer of habitual avoidance, and all the other defensive strategies, at a pace that actually honors our resistance, rather than attempting to push through it.
Many ways of working with beliefs and "mindset" issues do not address the deeper laters of defense and need for safety that trauma and other challenging experiences can have on our psyche and our body. Pushing through only reinforces the defenses and sometimes can actually make them stronger. A gentle, curious and compassionate approach is needed, and that takes longer than an hour session
To really honor our experience, we have to give it time to dance with us. To peek in and make sure we are listening, and eventually to come out to play so that we can upgrade these parts of us with all of the learning, skills and experiences we have had that tell us we don't need that particular defense anymore.
Curious about your own defenses and protectors? Reach out through the DM's so that I can share more about this work and answer any questions you might have. ??
If you are ready for a Transformational Leaders with Trauma Breakthrough Session, go here https://unshameable.as.me/Transformational-Leaders-w-trauma-breakthrough
Michelle Maree Hardeman-Guptill helps Transformational Leaders and Expert Practitioners break through the patterns that keep them from expanding into the next level of their business growth. These leaders have done a lot of work on themselves, and yet, find that they remain at a stuck point with a particular pattern or way of reacting to situations, that they know intellectually they no longer need and no longer want. They are ready to break through to the next level of their development as humans, and as practitioners and are ready to show up fully, powerfully and magnetically in their work and social media presence.
Blending brain science and body-wisdom for true, lasting, embodied transformation,
Are you ready?
Watch this video for more info - https://youtu.be/sLWeZyhxS4I