Ever feel insanely frustrated after a prospect books a call and then cancels or worse, doesn’t show?

Ever feel insanely frustrated after a prospect books a call and then cancels or worse, doesn’t show?

Ever feel insanely frustrated after a prospect books a call and then cancels or worse, doesn’t show? You’re likely missing the psychology as to why this is happening and how to correct it.

Today I want to highlight some of my best tips for eliminating this common conundrum in business so your precious energy can be freed up for much more important things, like connecting with people who are eager to talk with you so you can change more lives :)

Let’s just say 3 small tweaks that make a mighty big difference!

The other day I had a whatsapp from a client who had 50% of her connect calls that week result in a cancellation or no-show. She was frustrated. I felt her pain having been in that situation many times in the past. I now love helping clients sort this out and get to a ton of empowerment on the other side.?

Here are the things we looked at.?

1. The first and most foundational piece of all is this: owning the fact that it’s on you to set the client up for success BEFORE they join a call. This might be hard to accept at first, but it’s true.?

If they’re late, don’t show or are walking around Target at the time of your call…it’s possible you’ve given the client the wrong perception about you. This is easily fixed by changing your posturing—the subconscious messages you’re sending through your communication, boundaries and leadership.?

I help clients change this overtime by 1) modeling in our weekly private and group coaching sessions and 2) in the creation of powerful enrollment tools such as our direct offer posts and FAQ’s that clients receive and instantly know what the deal is and pre qualify themselves (that’s another post).

2. The next thing is being mindful of the seasonal ebb and flow that happens.?

Being that we’re in the middle of summer which means vacations, kids out of school, and so forth; there’s a much higher likelihood of people’s schedules being uncertain and harder to pin down. This can naturally lead to cancellations and no-shows. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the prospect’s intentions were bad, it could simply be a temporary shift in their values, ie; from work to play, from personal to family commitments, etc.,?

The sooner you get this you can plan for it and save yourself a lot of stress. For instance, maybe July/August is a good time to work on projects you’ve had on the back burner, check in with past clients or go deeper with existing ones, or take some time to play and rest yourself.?

3. The next thing is simple tactical and practical “checks and balances” to weave into your process.?

Like on your booking intake form including the question: Do you promise to show up on time and ready for our call? Type yes or no. Studies have shown that having the person type out their commitment leads to greater responsibility and drastically reduces no-shows and cancellations, and they’re right :)

Another thing is, on the e-mail reminders the prospect will receive from you 24 hours, 1 hour and 10 minutes prior to your call (yes, it’s your job and kind to send all 3 and make it easy for someone to jump on the call), include a soft note either under your signature or at the end of the e-mail that says: *Kindly note I do not reschedule missed calls. This statement is subconsciously positioning you as the expert you are in the mind of the client and helps them to understand: OH! I better not miss this call / opportunity.?

Making these small shifts should support you greatly in reducing your experience of no-shows and cancellations. And of course there are other sophisticated foundational things you can do, like:

  1. Making sure you know how to put together your knowledge in a way that makes sense, is targeted to a specific person and makes clear what kind of outcome people can expect working with you which leads to confidence in your offers and prices both for you and the client;?
  2. Ensuring you have a system for generating high quality connections each week and are consistently growing your network; and?
  3. Knowing exactly what to say to invite clients into the connect calls with you in the first place that nearly evokes and guarantees their attendance…

These are just a few key areas that I work with clients in my 5-Month Trusted Advisor Program.?

If you’re struggling like I was or have been having experiences like my client was having (or not struggling but just hoping to reach your next level for enrolling clients with greater simplicity and ease), and haven’t had a call with me or my team, I suggest doing so. We would love to find out more about your business, what’s exciting and challenging you now, what you envision for your impact and income, and how we could help you grow. Let’s get acquainted. Shoot us a PM to book a 20-minute exploratory call.


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