Ever Changing Disease and Timeless Hypnosis
When we look back at ‘historical’ methods of Medicine – we tend to think – wow – what were they thinking? We are so much more advanced.
Of course, this is true at whatever point in time you do that. In the 1800’s they thought the medical methods of the 1600s – so primitive. And Modern Medicine of 1900 was sooo much more advanced than the Medicine of the 1800s
And here in our times with our DNAs and MRIs and endless invasive surgeries and of course the pharmaceutical industrial complex ?– well – top of the heap!
In 1688 a Swiss Physician – coined the term’ nostalgia’ – as a psychosis, a disease of the mind!
So, before 1688 – you could just be homesick - after 1688 – you were mentally ill.
Even in 1938 Nostalgia was considered a defined psychosis – an ‘immigrant disease of the mind”
Now we know so much better!!
But you have to wonder what the people of the 25th century?will think of Medicine today?
Never has it been said at any point in Medical History “nope that’s right - what they did 200 years ago – is what we do today – because we?reached perfection”
By Contrast the practice of Trance Medicine – using Hypnosis as a way to create healing – hasn’t really ever needed to be changed.
But, you say – look at all the new stuff:
Look what is being treated with Hypnosis – Physical Illnesses, Mental Illness , Emotional Disorders, Spiritual Concerns!!
Is that really any advance on what the Shamans and Medicine men did in the beginnings of time?
Since humans have existed – trance has been used for healing and bringing wholeness. And of course for casting out negative – or if they are on the dark side – bringing in negative energies.
Because we have made new names for supposed levels of trance – Somnambulism, Esdaile, Sichort etc – doesn’t make them new. Because we arbitrarily use words like ‘conscious’, ‘unconscious’, ‘subconscious’ and so on, doesn’t make us ‘Advanced’ – they have always been part of the human condition – and those that practiced the art of creating trance have used them, on purpose, ?since our time began.
Now we just teach the practice more widely.