The ever changing artist of the mind
Zoe Bell ??????
The Alignment Wytch | Founder of The Mystics Temple | Wayshower | Author & Artist "For Those Ready to Remember Their Power" ~ Elevating Visionaries To SOAR ??
“The artist’s brush creates the strokes, each perfectly orchestrated for that time, the pallet of colours may need upgrading to bring greater depths, freshness and texture to an even greater divine expression of you.”- Zoe Bell
One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is the ability to learn ways to understand the mind. To turn the inner volume down and find the stillness within. Many are turning to meditation and yet still are living in daily chaos. There is a movement, and that is a beautiful thing to witness, as it is the most magical doorway ever.
Meditation is becoming more mainstream, and a word that is no longer a buzz word, and a beautiful addition to everyday living, a new way of being. It is an integral part of the global wake-up, shake-up to turn the attention deeper within. Finally, the influence of the East is saturating the Westernized world.
When the student is ready the teacher will appear, and when the teacher is ready the student will appear. Has become a mainstream quote. Love ya, Buddha!
The teacher can only teach to the ability that they have learnt, and I have had many people (x-students of others) telling me that they were asking for more, to be told, that there is none. What they didn’t understand is that, that was all the teacher could teach them, and that is okay too. We can only teach, that which we learnt and then integrated over the years. As a teacher it is also okay to say, that is all I know.
The words Transcendental meditation and Vedic mediation have become buzz words. I understand why, as they are the crème de la crème of meditation. This shit works. TM came from the Vedic teachings, and it is safer to say that is what I teach.
It is what I practiced for 7-years with 3-months off my twice daily practice earlier this year to expand upon some Shamanic integration. Fuck, I opened, and felt a clinging and attachment to it. The other day revisiting the practice sitting with less effort, and it was epic. The magical part is, once it is ingrained, after years of disciplined practice, you can tap into it whenever you choose, as these other colours communicate with universal laws and yielding nature and your soul desires. Even the colours can be shuffled around, in line with the intention and purpose.
Getting back to the Pallet of paints;
If the student at the beginning was given an entire pallet to choose from they would be lost, what do I choose and how to combine, and left fumbling and scattered in the dark. Their nervous system would be in retaliation and they would be unable to do the practice. The mind like any muscle needs consistency of practice, from simplicity to complexity and then it simplifies again.
The teacher needs to carefully guide the first few strokes, with tone and softness, while create the safe space for the student to experience ‘resting down’. The formula and instructions are simple, so that the ego has less to distract it. Like karate kid the strokes need to be perfected with daily practice, this is the intention of meditation to strengthen will and concentration.
The student could stick with the same colour and get so far., they may use it all their life if they choose. Many feel disgruntled for only getting one colour, it is a powerful colour and the way you use the brush creates the magic. There are 3- colours that create the foundations, and this creates a powerful stable base to then go deeper. Many are unaware of the many other colours to add depth to the stable foundations/base coat of the painting. There are 26 other different colours I can think off that create that magnetic potency to the picture.
Once the foundations are mastered, the minimum time to integrate is 2-months, then you can add in more colours, with the guidance of a teacher who is a master of this. Never judge a book by its cover, anyone can dress like a meditation guru, everyone wears masks.
‘Warning/Achtung,’ as you add in more depth you will unravel, and then re-align stronger, more resilient and wiser. Your soul calling and gifts will reveal.
As a student it is also part of your soul journey to seek out teachers, that have the information you desire, to then practice, integrate and unveil your own divine soul calling. At first the ego is hungry, then after practicing a magical doorway is revealed. As a teacher, it is magical to witness students following their own unique path for that part of their journey and creating masterpieces of art that are music to the soul, and an aspect to their uniqueness. I have no attachment to any of it, I have the goods and am happy to teach them to those who are willing to explore deeper.
Do you wish for more stillness?
Do you wish to bring more depth into your masterpiece?
Do you wish to learn what many do not have, or have the knowledge to teach?
Sadly, many have been scarred by clever marketing, given less than what was promised. Know it is a great lesson and was the perfect beginning of your journey. Life is like that sometimes, a constant ebb and flow of letting go, and we can change what we create by adding in more colours and create the art of our dreams. Shades and textures that you have never seen and to combine them in a very ancient and magical way that they speak to the moon, the stars, universe, the heart, organs and tap into the inner matrix within and without, all yielded by your hearts desires. It is a dance of heart-mind harmony.
Are you ready for a fresh and unique pallet?
Harmonize- energize- revitalize- magnetize
I’ve sat in the dark for way too long, yes, students have found me and now it is time to make more noise and stir the pot of magic. I wish to pass this wisdom on. Maharishi said how a small number of people practicing this method, would change the world. I firmly believe that.
#VedicMeditation #Mind #Artist #Rewire #Creativity #Sensuality #SoulCalling #Confidence