Eventually, Things Do Get Embraced
Lisa Patel
Real Estate / Realtor / Entrepreneur / Former President / Mindset / Metaphysical Teacher / Meditation-Yoga-Reiki Teacher / Philanthropist / Venture Capital / Speaker / Author / Political Candidate / Advocacy
How often have you attended events and see plastic plates, cups, or cutlery or maybe it's styrofoam. This picture captured my heart at the recent conference, inside a convention centre in Ontario they have made the change...Hallelujah - bio-degradable plates & cutlery.
The real reason why this captured my heart is I worked with organizations in the early 2000 era in becoming green. There were two organizations that I had worked with, UofT Greening Sacred Spaces & Iskcon since the early 2000's that took on the challenge of implementing solutions that would better the environment. UofT's Greening Sacred Spaces, worked with several non-profit groups across the GTA on changing spaces to become eco-friendly. This initiative took a lot of time, as it wasn't solely based on food initiatives it was changing everything from lighting, to water usage, it was a complete energy audit. As i worked with these groups in discovering how to better serve meals to hundreds and thousands of people, it was clear there were only two choices: 1. change everything to stainless steel, which we tested but when your serving hundreds/thousands of people that option didn't work. As well it didn't function for outdoor foodie events. We researched and found (2) distributers in the world that were creating and wholesaling a bio-degradable plate. We knew one day the world would change and voila, all it takes is one to start the trend and more will care and follow. 15 years later it's touching to see at conferences these products are being used more & more. Today there is a huge variety of styles from take out style to lunch and dinner plates, tupperware style, bowls etc... Hopefully more convention centres, restaurants and the world will embrace this option. Scotiabank Convention Centre in Niagara Falls, Thank you for implementing bio-degradable products.
#greenliving #ecofriendly #environment #change #veglife #ecoproducts