The Eventual Appearance of The Martian Skyline
Omar Abunnaja
Fulbright scholar | Architecture Student at UIUC | Graduate Teaching Assistant
How the Martian skyline would look in the future?
Once a day, as the sun rises up our human bodies behave the same as well, responding to their circadian rhythms, profiting from its rays, igniting a sense of subliminal blessing to live on earth and enjoy this tremendous miracle on a daily basis.
However; while thinking about the daylight of tomorrow and what can happen in world later, this cannot be taken for granted. In another scenario what if we can’t have that needed much of daylighting? Would life ,as we know it, be the same? basic, yet profound questions.
Humans are curious creatures by nature, and the cosmos always fascinated mankind, what lies beyond the dark skies at night. Moreover, a natural instinct for humans is to migrate and always look for resources, it was only natural to go beyond lateral migration, and head up!. This started with mankind reaching the moon, and then looking for exoplanets that provide the basic requirements for life, In order to guarantee the mankind existence and save the earth from that rapid growth of population.
Mars as a second home: The red planet holds great promise for constructing human settlements, scientists are working hard to circumvent some of the natural limitations that can be faced there using innovative technological solutions. In Mars sunlight is very low, with overall dusty weather, posing serious challenges to human adaptation. Moreover, the absence of protective gas layers, as in the case of earth, renders the sun radiations to be harmful. Thus for humans to strive in Mars, innovative shelter design and technology must be implemented. the problem needs to be studied form basic design perspective, some of the line of thought behind earth shelter design cannot be simply transferred to Mars.
More basically, how the Martian skyline would look like from an architectural perspective, how the buildings would behave with that low sunlight, more importantly how can people adapt and live a healthy life under those harmful sun radiations, and is it possible to innovate self-sufficient shelters, addressing these previous points, and yet provide means to generate solar power?
Starting with The principal geometric plane shapes that can withstand the low-pressure circumstances on mars: our approach was to develop those Martian futuristic printed forms to “move” with the sun and morph into applicable shapes for maximizing sunlight collection
Highlighting the concept of sustaining on mars gave us a broad comprehensive view of the abstract concept of sustainable architecture, gave us more appreciation?of what we usually take for granted while living on earth, prompted us to consider making an effort to preserve our home planet. Knowing for a fact even if we may survive in mars, Earth is our mother, if she dies so do we!