Rev. Daniel Bramlett
Minister at Total Spiritual Development Addiction Counselor
I have been asked why do I ignore the world and not see all the bad here...I feel that its time to address this issue...I do not have my head in the sand and I do not ignore anything in this world. I live and try and not teach but show everyone that through all the bad...there still is good and positive energies that keep us all moving forward...I know in my heart that no matter how dark the moment or situation may be, love and hope are always possible...We are to never give up...Hope gives you faith in you and a better out come...Faith allows you to believe...Believing in something gives you life...We should never be afraid to live....I feel that to do this we all need to learn that...Time, patience, communication, and understanding, can help heal old/new wounds, and give hope for the future...Please always use FAITH in you and know that it is better to have faith than wondering, waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure beats the hell out of never trying...I feel that sometimes we just need to look at things for what they ARE...not what we want them to be or hoped they would be but for what they actually are...It is up to us to accept this world as others want us to see it...or we can let go of the fear of living and actually make a difference for the better good...You choose what you for me I choose to live...By Rev Daniel Bramlett