Events Postponed? So Now What?
Sean’s Stinchcombe
Digital Media Consultant | Google-Social Media Advertising Specialist | Energy Expert | Operation of Asia’s Leading Energy Platform | Energy Sales & Marketing Expert |
As I write this the World and business community are facing challenges we have never experienced in our lifetime, and hopefully never will again.
At this time, you are probably on lock down and working from home, or some of you may be still at the office, but one thing is for certain, you aren’t going to any face to face events or meetings at the moment, and probably wont be travelling to meet your clients at the present time, and for the near future.
So what do you do in this current situation? Everyone’s plans and schedules are up in the air, everyone you meet will still be wary of Coronavirus, so may be actively avoiding events and situations where they are mixing with large groups of people. This years events footfall will be low, thats a given, from fear alone!
Well, we have the solution to keep your brand and business on track.
Pimagazine Asia, will still be publishing and printing our bi-monthly magazine and excellent digital platforms, yes some print deliveries in Asia may be delayed a little depending on the Country in questions current strategy, but, our readers will still get there A4, full colour magazine full of interesting articles, interviews and white papers. We have been reliably and credibly distributing our magazine for over 10 years, which allows our advertisers to leverage the ‘halo effect’ of being present in such a respected journal, which reinforces your brand as respected, credible and trustworthy, driving more leads and sales.
Influential’s, those readers who have the ability to make decisions, love our product. Over 55% of our readers have made a buying decision based on content consumed and seen in our magazine or digital platform.
Who said print was dead. Well they were dead wrong!
Print readers wont be multitasking with the TV in the background or facebook on their device when consuming our content. When reading a print publication it is proven that readers are far more receptive to content and adverts inside the publication.
Unplugging is in. Yes, we are tech-obsessed creatures, but we have also begun to see the benefit of unplugging every now and then. When we unplug from the digital World, we find print media as a great way to engage with the content.
Print advertising can offer your company so much creativity and flexibility. From product placement, white paper submission, special adverts, special editions, there really are so many opportunities for your business to really connect with the reader. Pimagazine Asia can offer you that,and more, it’s the perfect time to show your brands strength and focus in these trying times.
Did you know that 65% of print readers take action after seeing a print advert? Making your print and digital campaigns work in synergy, results can be dramatic! The important thing here is traffic for free downloads can encourage prospects to engage more. Importantly, you are raising massive awareness of your product and service.
Pimagazine Asia and its associated platforms have been reliably digested in Asia for over 10 years, growing year on year and doing exactly what we say, building massive awareness and driving clients to your door. Working in our print magazine, using our hugely successful direct email system, our massive social media platforms, bespoke campaigns across all platforms, one thing is for certain, Pimagazine has your back when its against the wall.
All of our platforms work in direct synergy, our print magazine is also published online, our EDM and weekly enews letters are sent on time, shared on Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn. In the current climate, we can offer you a one stop marketing shop for your business to stay at the forefront of Asia's energy decision makers.
We will drive traffic to your website, publish your success stories, interview your executives, put you in front of the right people, in the right place, at the right time. And at a time when you are simply unable to meet these people face to face, Pimagazine Asia will leverage our network to keep you in the clients eye, be it in print or online.
If you want to learn how to stay ahead in trying times, go a little ‘Old School’ with your marketing, try the most reliable and time tested source in the Asia’s energy market, then contact me to learn more.
There is no school like the old school, and Pimagazine Asia is the headmaster!
We will be fully operational during this trying time, so please, let me help you now!