Event Wrap-up: Innovation Foundry (IF12)
IF 12 breakout groups

Event Wrap-up: Innovation Foundry (IF12)

SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM’s Directorate of Science and Technology (S&T) Futures, Norwegian Special Operations Command (NORSOCOM), and the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), hosted the twelfth Innovation Foundry (IF12) Event in Oslo, Norway, as the first international IF, which brought together U.S. and International Special Operations Forces (SOF), Industry, Academia, Government, and futurists in an exploration, design thinking, facilitated event to assist USSOCOM in decomposing future scenarios and missions. The theme of IF12 was “Joint and Partner Communications in a Contested and Austere Environment.”

  • Out of 267 submissions, 88 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) were downselected and participated in the event
  • 24 additional Government representatives participated onsite and virtually
  • SMEs worked in teams of like-minded talent to participate in design thinking for concepts and solutions. Teams briefed their concepts to U.S. and Norwegian senior leadership
  • Insight gained from the event will be used to shape future efforts for USSOCOM



