Event Report (#64): Spooky October Go Meetup
screenshot taken from: https://go.dev/

Event Report (#64): Spooky October Go Meetup

When:?Tuesday, 31st October 2023, 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Where: Google Germany GmbH, Tucholskystrasse 2, Berlin, Germany

Hosting Organization:?GDG Berlin Golang

Participation Fee:?Free Entrance

Agenda:?Socializing and Food, Host Intro, Talk 1, Socializing and Food, Talk 2, Talk 3, Talk 4, Socializing

Topics covered: Upcoming DevFest Berlin 2023 (Host Intro), Concurrent Map Misuse in Golang (Talk 1), Race Conditions in React (Talk 2), Malfunctioning Apache Kafka Producer written in Golang (Talk 3), Premature Context Cancelling (Talk 4)

I've learned something today:

  • When basing your context on another context you have to make sure the original context is not being cancelled before you can make proper use of it. (cf. https://github.com/fluxcd/notification-controller/pull/408)
  • You have to be careful with your producer configurations when dealing with Apache Kafka or you will encounter errors at the least convenient time possible (for example during christmas time).
  • Defer, Panic and Recover are Go's idiomatic way of handling errors and cleaning up resources.
  • In Go a stack trace is a report of the active function calls at a specific point in time. It is often displayed when an unexpected error occurs and provides a roadmap of the execution path leading up to the error. Hence, it is an invaluable tool for debugging.
  • Google Berlin's catering takes the 2-Hour-Rule very seriously and discards any perishable food left out at room temperature for more than 2 hours.


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