Event Horizons Tuesday-Doc & Maria Payan-Factory Farm Hell & World News

Event Horizons Tuesday-Doc & Maria Payan-Factory Farm Hell & World News

Event Horizons Tuesday!Ready for Event Horizons Tuesday, 10-Noon ET? Please join me, Dr. Robin Falkov with activist Maria Payan, as we discuss the latest news in factory farming. What can we expect from the nightmare industry in 2017?

listen live: www.freedomslips.com Studio A

If you are new to the show, be prepared to be outraged at the clear evidence that factory farms sure do their front end planning.. Planning as in who has to be paid to look the other way when these monster buildings of living hell for poultry are built. Can you believe they look the other way to allow contamination of groundwater air and soil?

Just goes to show what money can buy!

Maria Payan works at Socially Responsible Agricultural Project and Peach Bottom Concerned Citizens Group: https://www.pbccg.com

Do you really know what's for dinner?

Doc updates the news and the unusual!

Plants turning carnivorous https://www.rt.com/viral/376553-flesh-eating-plants-carnivorous/

This is quite compelling--Angels??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZeDYliAHqE

Looked at clouds from both sides now? How about seeing gravity waves imprinting? https://www.rt.com/viral/376570-gravity-waves-clouds-nasa/

What a tangled web https://www.rt.com/business/376571-fxcm-retail-broker-ban/

Evidence shows popular vote for President Trump due to fraud https://www.intellihub.com/evidence-suggests-trump-lost-popular-vote-due-to-fraud/

2016 Trade deficit biggest in 4 years https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-02-07/us-trade-deficit-2016-was-biggest-four-years

Call to listen (712) 432 6958

Talk to us at 347-688-2902

Follow me on Linkedin and Twitter: Dr. Robin Falkov



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