Event Driven Architecture for Web3 Enterprise dApp Design
Md. Ariful Islam
Web3 Engineer | ?lockchain | ?? Merit Placeholder at INTERNATIONAL BLOCKCHAIN OLYMPIAD 2021 ???
From Legacy Systems to Decentralized Networks
Encouraging Knowledge Exchange Between Legacy Web2 Engineers and Web3 Devs to Harmonize Development Cultures
In conventional Web2 enterprise solutions, system architects influence the design of micro-services. To keep systems scalable and decoupled, they often implement a separate database per service. This ensures service autonomy, scalability, and easier maintenance, though it introduces challenges in data consistency and coordination.
As fintech leaders like 萬事達卡 , PayPal , Stripe , along with asset management giants like BlackRock adopt crypto stablecoins and migrate to Web3, the integration of data sources becomes increasingly layered and distributed. [Source 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
As more industry giants join the Web3 movement, dApps are evolving beyond their initial use for startup MVPs. They are now adopting enterprise architectural best practices to meet the complex requirements of large-scale, high-performance businesses.
The challenge arises when integrating off-chain databases and on-chain data sources to function as a unified application (dApp). Syncing data between these different layers can lead to issues, as Web2 systems typically record and log user actions in real-time. However, on-chain modules may experience delays, since blockchain transactions need time for verification, processing, and commitment. This discrepancy can cause synchronization issues between off-chain and on-chain data.
Event-driven architecture (EDA) bridges the gap between Web2 and Web3 by offering a familiar, scalable pattern for both legacy system architects and Web3 developers. As enterprises adopt Web3, EDA becomes a common ground, enabling both groups to design scalable, flexible, and consistent systems that can handle the complexities of modern, decentralized applications.
Consider a decentralized application (dApp) for a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), where new members are enrolled through a voting process involving existing members. This governance is managed by smart contracts on the blockchain, where proposals and votes are recorded on-chain. However, because smart contracts are deployed on a public chain, sensitive data, such as member's "Know Your Client" (KYC) information, should not be stored on-chain. To address this, the dApp may include a Web2 backend layer that manages user credentials, profiles, and custodial wallet operations.
Additionally, smart contracts often involve various transactions, and enterprise system administrators may prefer not to manually search for member-related proposal transactions using third-party chain explorers. A best practice in the industry is to aggregate data from different sources and store it in a self-owned database, following a defined retention policy. In this scenario, the DAO dApp may have a DAO-Service node within the Web2 backend, which stores only the proposal data and references to on-chain transaction hashes, enabling easier filtering and efficient auditing.
Fusion of Solidity Event and RabbitMQ Event at dApp
Asynchronous Web3 on-chain and off-chain data sync in Publish/Subscribe Model
From the scenario section we can assume that a dApp may not be just a frontend and smart integrated application. It may have dedicated web2 backend services as well. From the Figure 1 it ca be seen that there are three different services where each have its single responsibility to operate under the dApp.
Here in Figure 1 it can be seen the Both DAO and UMS are subscribed to a common exchange. When Audit-Trail-Service is publishing an event it is first received by an exchange, which then routes the message to one or more queues based on routing rules. In our case DAO and UMS both are getting this event call. [Official Documentation Reference]
Synchronous dApp Authorization Check in Web2 Producer/Consumer Model
Web3 doesn't replace Web2, it extends existing internet technology by adding decentralized functionality and ensuring immutability.
Traditional authentication and authorization methods are still needed in many cases, such as with custodial wallets in business environments. These wallets allow employees to perform on-chain transactions on behalf of the organization. As shown in Figure 2, the Web3 Proxy service abstracts Smart Contract functions and holds the organizational wallet secret to manage exceptions and interact with Ownable contracts (ERC-173). For such enterprise use cases, custodial wallets are necessary, making JWT-based authentication a key technology in the Web3 ecosystem for dApps.
Here in Figure 2 it can be seen that a Client request is initiated from the frontend which is a login request to "User Management Service" (UMS) and after authentication the response provides a JWT authorization token. With this token when a user tries to access other services this token is passed through cookie and every service delegate these service to UMS in message pattern (TCP/AMQP) and in response these service get an acknowledgement for Role Based Access Control.
Why Use Events and Messaging Instead of REST API for Inter-Service Communication?
While there is no strict limitation on using REST APIs for inter-service communication, it may not be the most efficient choice for certain tasks.
Honestly, it’s like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole — you're just not using the right tool for the job!
Relying too heavily on REST APIs for inter-service communication can quickly lead to chaos. Just imagine your developer opening Swagger and seeing something like this:
In the previous section, we discussed both event and message patterns. The choice of pattern depends on the specific scenario. When multiple nodes rely on a single entity, such as in authentication (Figure 2), and tasks need to be performed synchronously, we recommend using a Message Queue in a single consumer, multi-producer model. On the other hand, for asynchronous background task dependencies, an Event Bus or Exchange is more suitable, where a single Publisher triggers events that multiple Subscriber use to sync their databases in a Fire-and-Forget model.
Blockchain networks, which transmit Solidity Events through a single RPC endpoint, are a perfect fit for this approach, enabling multiple Web2 subscriber to listen to events. This aligns well with the event-driven architecture of Web3 dApps.
Since Web2 and Web3 use different Data Transfer Object (DTO) structures and belong to separate layers (as shown in Figure 1), we propose an "Audit Trail Service" to coordinate between these layers. This service will convert Web3 DTOs to Web2 events, enabling seamless communication between Web2 services from various sources such as Alchemy / Infura or The Graph .
Reviewed by: Md. Aminul Islam , Sampad Sikder , Yamin Raad
Learn More About Solidity Event
Experimental Package: @golevelup/nestjs-rabbitmq
Experiment Implementation: Open-Source Project FinCube23 by Brain Station 23