Event-driven architecture using Kafka and NodeJS
A robust system with dynamic adaptability has become increasingly vital in this ever-evolving landscape of technology. In today's complex and fast-paced world, a more flexible system is required that can cope with the events as they happen, respond to them in real-time, and allow adjustments. Introducing Event-Driven Architecture (EDA), a transformative concept that revolutionizes the way systems operate by focusing on the dynamic flow of events.
Imagine hosting a house party where everything is planned - when to serve drinks, when the dance will start, when to serve food, and so on. Now consider this as a flexible timeline where certain actions would be taken at the occurrence of certain specified triggers, called 'Events'. Serving drinks as soon as the guest enters the house party. Here, guests entering the house would be the trigger (Event) to take the action of serving the drink. Now, let us go technical into the understanding of Event Driven Architecture and see how to implement it using Kafka and Node JS.
What is event-driven architecture?
Key components of event-driven architecture include:
Benefits of Event-Driven Architecture
Demo App to Explain Event Driven Architecture
Prerequisites :
Before we proceed with the implementation, let's verify that we meet the required prerequisites.
Ensure that Node.js is installed on your computer. If not, you can obtain it from the official Node.js website. (https://nodejs.org/en)
Why Node JS?
Node.js, founded on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine, is a platform that thrives on asynchronous and event-driven principles. Its non-blocking I/O model makes it especially adept at constructing scalable network applications.
Apache Kafka
Set up an Apache Kafka cluster or utilize an existing one. Refer to the official documentation for guidance on installation and configuration. This will set up the Apache Kafka cluster for you. (https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/)
Why Apache Kafka?
Apache Kafka forms a robust base for the development of event-driven architectures, and its array of advantages establishes it as the preferred option for handling real-time data.
Developing the Demo :
Install Node.js:
Make sure you have Node.js installed. Create a new Node.js project and install the necessary packages:
npm init -y
npm install kafkajs
Create Producer (Producer.js):
const { Kafka, Partitioners } = require('kafkajs');
const kafka = new Kafka({
clientId: 'iot-producer',
brokers: ['localhost:9092'],
const producer = kafka.producer({
createPartitioner: Partitioners.LegacyPartitioner,
const connectProducer = async () => {
try {
await producer.connect();
console.log('Producer Connected to Kafka!');
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error while connecting to Kafka: ${e}`);
const produceTemperatureReading = async () => {
try {
const temperature = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) + 1; // Simulate temperature readings
const deviceID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1; // Simulate different IoT devices
await producer.send({
topic: 'temperatureData',
messages: [{ value: JSON.stringify({ deviceID, temperature }) }],
console.log(`Temperature reading sent successfully: For DeviceID ${deviceID}`);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error while producing temperature reading: ${e}`);
// Connect to Kafka initially
// Schedule temperature reading production every second
setInterval(async () => {
await produceTemperatureReading();
}, 1000);
Create Consumer (Consumer.js):
const { Kafka } = require('kafkajs');
const kafka = new Kafka({
clientId: 'iot-consumer',
brokers: ['localhost:9092'],
const consumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'iot-group' });
const processTemperatureReading = async (message) => {
const { deviceID, temperature } = JSON.parse(message.value.toString());
console.log(`Received Temperature Reading: DeviceID ${deviceID} - ${temperature}°C`);
const consumeTemperatureReadings = async () => {
await consumer.connect();
console.log('Consumer Connected to Kafka!');
await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'temperatureData', fromBeginning: true });
await consumer.run({
eachMessage: async ({ topic, partition, message }) => {
await processTemperatureReading(message);
Run the Demo:
Open two terminal windows and run the producer and consumer:
Terminal 1 (Producer):
node Producer.js
Terminal 2 (Consumer):
node Consumer.js
You should see the following output indicating that the producer sends a message, and the consumer receives and processes it.
End Note
We conclude our exploration of Event-Driven Architecture, specifically leveraging the powerful combination of Kafka and Node.js. We explored what is event-driven architecture, its key components, and benefits of event-driven architecture. We also had our hands on experience in setting up the Kafka and developed a demo application to understand the event driven microservice.
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