Event-Driven Architecture Style

Event-Driven Architecture Style

The event-driven architecture style is a popular distributed asynchronous architecture style used to produce highly scalable and high-performance applications. It is also highly adaptable and can be used for small applications as well as large, complex ones. Event-driven architecture is made up of decoupled event-processing components that asynchronously receive and process events. It can be used as a standalone architecture style or embedded within other architecture styles (such as an event-driven microservices architecture).

Asynchronous Capabilities

The event-driven architecture style offers a unique characteristic over other architecture styles in that it relies solely on asynchronous communication for both fire-and-forget processing (no response required) as well as request/reply processing (response required from the event consumer). Asynchronous communication can be a powerful technique for increasing the overall responsiveness of a system.

Consider the example where a user is posting a comment on a website for a particular product review. Assume the comment service in this example takes 3,000 milliseconds to post the comment because it goes through several parsing engines: a bad word checker to check for unacceptable words, a grammar checker to make sure that the sentence structures are not saying something abusive, and finally, a context checker to make sure the comment is about a particular product and not just a political rant. Notice that the top path utilizes a synchronous RESTful call to post the comment: 50 milliseconds in latency for the service to receive the post, 3,000 milliseconds to post the comment, and 50 milliseconds in network latency to respond back to the user that the comment was posted. This creates a response time for the user of 3,100 milliseconds to post a comment. Now look at the bottom path and notice that with the use of asynchronous messaging, the response time from the end user’s perspective for posting a comment on the website is only 25 milliseconds (as opposed to 3,100 milliseconds). It still takes 3,025 milli‐ seconds to post the comment (25 milliseconds to receive the message and 3,000 milli‐ seconds to post the comment), but from the end user’s perspective, it’s already been done.

This is a good example of the difference between responsiveness and performance. When the user does not need any information back (other than an acknowledgment or a thank you message), why make the user wait? Responsiveness is all about notifying the user that the action has been accepted and will be processed momentarily, whereas performance is about making the end-to-end process faster. Notice that nothing was done to optimize the way the comment service processes the text—in both cases it is still taking 3,000 milliseconds. Addressing performance would have been optimizing the comment service to run all of the text and grammar parsing engines in parallel with the use of caching and other similar techniques. The bottom example addresses the overall responsiveness of the system but not the performance of the system.

The difference in response time between the two examples from 3,100 milliseconds to 25 milliseconds is staggering. There is one caveat. On the synchronous path shown at the top of the diagram, the end user is guaranteed that the comment has been posted. However, on the bottom path, there is only the acknowledgment of the post, with a future promise that eventually the comment will get posted. From the end user’s perspective, the comment has been posted. But what happens if the user had typed a bad word in the comment? In this case, the comment would be rejected, but there is no way to get back to the end user. Or is there? In this example, assuming the user is registered with the website (which to post a comment they would have to be), a message could be sent to the user indicating a problem with the comment and some suggestions on how to repair it. This is a simple example. What about a more complicated example where the purchase of some stock is taking place asynchronously (called a stock trade) and there is no way to get back to the user?

The main issue with asynchronous communications is error handling. While responsiveness is significantly improved, it is difficult to address error conditions, adding to the complexity of the event-driven system. The next section addresses this issue with a pattern of reactive architecture called the workflow event pattern.

Error Handling

The workflow event pattern of reactive architecture is one way of addressing the issues associated with error handling in an asynchronous workflow. This pattern is a reactive architecture pattern that addresses both resiliency and responsiveness. In other words, the system can be resilient in terms of error handling without an impact on responsiveness. The workflow event pattern leverages delegation, containment, and repair through the use of a workflow delegate. The event producer asynchronously passes data through a message channel to the event consumer. If the event consumer experiences an error while processing the data, it immediately delegates that error to the workflow processor and moves on to the next message in the event queue. In this way, overall responsiveness is not impacted because the next message is immediately processed. If the event consumer were to spend the time try‐ ing to figure out the error, then it is not reading the next message in the queue, therefore impacting the responsiveness not only of the next message but all other messages waiting in the queue to be processed.

Once the workflow processor receives an error, it tries to figure out what is wrong with the message. This could be a static, deterministic error, or it could leverage some machine learning algorithms to analyze the message to see some anomaly in the data. Either way, the workflow processor programmatically (without human intervention) makes changes to the original data to try and repair it, and then sends it back to the originating queue. The event consumer sees this message as a new one and tries to process it again, hopefully, this time with some success. Of course, there are many times when the workflow processor cannot determine what is wrong with the message. In these cases, the workflow processor sends the message off to another queue, which is then received in what is usually called a “dashboard,” an application that looks similar to Microsoft’s Outlook or Apple’s Mail. This dashboard usually resides on the desktop of a person of importance, who then looks at the message, applies manual fixes to it, and then resubmits it to the original queue (usually through a reply-to-message header variable).

Preventing Data Loss

Data loss is always a primary concern when dealing with asynchronous communications. Unfortunately, there are many places for data loss to occur within an event-driven architecture. By data loss we mean a message getting dropped or never making it to its final destination. Fortunately, there are basic out-of-the-box techniques that can be leveraged to prevent data loss when using asynchronous messaging. To illustrate the issues associated with data loss within event-driven architecture, suppose Event Processor A asynchronously sends a message to a queue. Event Processor B accepts the message and inserts the data within the message into a database, three areas of data loss can occur within this typical scenario:

1. The message never makes it to the queue from Event Processor A; or even if it does, the broker goes down before the next event processor can retrieve the message.

2. Event Processor B de-queues the next available message and crashes before it can process the event.

3. Event Processor B is unable to persist the message to the database due to some data error.

Each of these areas of data loss can be mitigated through basic messaging techniques.

Issue 1 (the message never makes it to the queue) is easily solved by leveraging persistent message queues, along with something called synchronous send. Persisted message queues support what is known as guaranteed delivery. When the message broker receives the message, it not only stores it in memory for fast retrieval but also persists the message in some sort of physical data store (such as a filesystem or database). If the message broker goes down, the message is physically stored on disk so that when the message broker comes back up, the message is available for processing. Synchro‐ nous send does a blocking wait in the message producer until the broker has acknowledged that the message has persisted. With these two basic techniques. there is no way to lose a message between the event producer and the queue because the message is either still with the message producer or persisted within the queue.

Issue 2 (Event Processor B de-queues the next available message and crashes before it can process the event) can also be solved using a basic technique of messaging called client-to-acknowledge mode. By default, when a message is de-queued, it is immediately removed from the queue (something called auto acknowledge mode). Client acknowledges mode keeps the message in the queue and attaches the client ID to the message so that no other consumers can read the message. With this mode, if Event Processor B crashes, the message is still preserved in the queue, preventing message loss in this part of the message flow.

Issue 3 (Event Processor B is unable to persist the message to the database due to some data error) is addressed through leveraging ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) transactions via a database commit. Once the database commit happens, the data is guaranteed to be persisted in the database. Leveraging something called last participant support (LPS) removes the message from the persisted queue by acknowledging that processing has been completed and that the message has persisted. This guarantees the message is not lost during the transit from Event Processor A all the way to the database.

Choosing Between Request-Based and Event-Based

The request-based model and event-based model are both viable approaches for designing software systems. However, choosing the right model is essential to the overall success of the system. We recommend choosing the request-based model for well-structured, data-driven requests (such as retrieving customer profile data) when certainty and control over the workflow is needed. We recommend choosing the event-based model for flexible, action-based events that require high levels of responsiveness and scale, with complex and dynamic user processing.

Hybrid Event-Driven Architectures

While many applications leverage the event-driven architecture style as the primary overarching architecture, in many cases event-driven architecture is used in conjunction with other architectural styles, forming what is known as hybrid architecture. Some common architecture styles that leverage event-driven architecture as part of another architecture style include microservices and space-based architecture. Other hybrids that are possible include an event-driven microkernel architecture and an event-driven pipeline architecture. Adding event-driven architecture to any architecture style helps remove bottlenecks, provides a back pressure point in the event requests get backed up, and provides a level of user responsiveness not found in other architecture styles. Both microservices and space-based architecture leverage messaging for data pumps, asynchronously sending data to another processor that in turn updates data in a database. Both also leverage event-driven architecture to provide a level of programmatic scalability to services in a microservices architecture and processing units in a space-based architecture when using messaging for interservice communication.

Architecture Characteristics Ratings

Event-driven architecture gains five stars for performance, scalability, and fault tolerance, the primary strengths of this architecture style. High performance is achieved through asynchronous communications combined with highly parallel processing. High scalability is realized through the programmatic load balancing of event pro‐ cessors (also called competing consumers). As the request load increases, additional event processors can be programmatically added to handle the additional requests. Fault tolerance is achieved through highly decoupled and asynchronous event pro‐ cessors that provide eventual consistency and eventual processing of event workflows. Providing the user interface or an event processor making a request does not need an immediate response, promises and futures can be leveraged to process the event at a later time if other downstream processors are not available.

Overall simplicity and testability rate are relatively low with event-driven architecture, mostly due to the nondeterministic and dynamic event flows typically found within this architecture style. While deterministic flows within the request-based model are relatively easy to test because the paths and outcomes are generally known, such is not the case with the event-driven model. Sometimes it is not known how event pro‐ cessors will react to dynamic events, and what messages they might produce. These “event tree diagrams” can be extremely complex, generating hundreds to even thousands of scenarios, making it very difficult to govern and test.

Finally, event-driven architectures are highly evolutionary, hence the five-star rating. Adding new features through existing or new event processors is relatively straight‐ forward, particularly in the broker topology. By providing hooks via published messages in the broker topology, the data is already made available, hence no changes are required in the infrastructure or existing event processors to add that new functionality.

Reference: Fundamentals of Software Architecture Book


