An Event to Connect Research to the Real World
This November ushers-in a new focus for the 16th ISIAQ Healthy Buildings event, by actively seeking to connect the global research community with field practitioners this time.
According to the event's website, "In the tradition of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) HEALTHY BUILDINGS (HB) Conferences dating back to 1988, we are proud to announce the 16th conference in this series. The Conference is being held in Honolulu, Hawaii, November 9–11, 2021, hosted by the Cleaning Industry Research Institute (CIRI). ISIAQ program chairs, Dr. Kerry Kinney and Dr. Richard Shaughnessy, have selected the theme “Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice – In the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond.” This groundbreaking conference will connect the scientific research of ISIAQ’s core membership with the experience of practitioners and technicians in the fields of IAQ pertaining to ventilation, buildings, building maintenance, indoor chemistry, cleaning, disaster restoration, biological contamination, comfort, and health implications of indoor exposures. Special emphasis will be placed on COVID-19 and implications on the indoor environment for this and future generations. Healthy Buildings 2021 – America will?be presented both on site (with appropriate social distancing measures) and via digital livestream."
Today's Healthy Indoors? LIVE Show on Thursday August 5, 2021 explores this unique ISIAQ event. The conference theme is "Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond." Healthy Buildings will be among the industry's first in-person events since COVID struck last spring.
In addition to discussing the state of Hawaii's COVID protocols, our guests will discuss the unprecedented number of abstract submissions, some of the topics covered, ways the organizers plan to turn the research-to-practice?theme into reality, why Hawaii was chosen, and whatever other questions viewers have.
Join us for a lively and informative discussion on this week's Healthy Indoors? LIVE Show with our guest, John Downey, Executive Director of the event's host organization, CIRI. Watch the live broadcast on Thursday August 5, 2021 from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4) or catch the recording anytime on the new Healthy Indoors? Online Global Community at:?
Sign up to be in our live Virtual Studio Audience and ask your question live on air during the show! Reserve your free seat at:–upzIqHddhHMKC_p6v5Gv2kupI7khZ
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