The Evening Project - Part 4, Strategy
My wife and I ventured into the unknown and started an evening project together, this is Part 4 of the story that unfolds pretty much in real time.
Any project or business, small or big, need a strategy. After starting off with a fairly clear idea and being super inspired and entrepreneurial during our first few weeks, we suddenly realized that we were a bit all over the place. We had jumped on board a ship of entrepreneurial thoughts and ideas, but we were lacking a strategy. To be very open about it, we hadn't even formulated a proper business plan yet. I know what you’re thinking, but hey, we'd been busy building the prototype, it’s been more fun!
I must say that I still felt great since we were moving pretty fast (so far pretty well) and with a good and clear sense of direction. But suddenly things took a weird turn. I suggested an idea about a detail that Sarah didn't agree with me on. Being a salesman, I tried all the tricks in the book trying to convince her, but she knew me too well and didn't fall for it. She continued to be skeptical. After more convincing from her side and rethinking from my side, I realized after a couple of days that she was right and I was wrong. Yes it did hurt a little, but more importantly, our thoughts were drifting in the different directions. But why was this happening?
Stop! Timeout. We need to take a step back and be more strategic. What are we actually doing?
A vision, a mission, some how's, why's and goal can take you really far. It doesn't have to be perfect. It can change. But now more than ever, we realized that we needed that long term focus to stay on track and not drift away building the prototype. Things were starting to get a bit more complex and this focus was too important for the success of the project.
It was time to put a side a few evenings defining a strategy and better understanding of what we wanted, why we are doing it and how it will be done. Since I'm working in a very mission-driven company during the days, the "Why" was for me the most important part of the work we did during these evenings.
So, here's the external teaser:
Our mission is to bring premium happiness and redefine the overall experience and purpose of...
…some commonly know products....
Yup, that’s what we’re doing, pretty clear, right?! :).
We continued thinking up a vision, goals and plans on how to move forward and I must say we felt really happy with that strategy work being done.
The focus and motivation it has given us, also made many other pieces fall into place and it started to fill up the pptx to make the full business plan clear. To be honest, it was a relief getting it down on print and it also got us back on track moving forwards again.
When you are in the middle of it all, it’s sometime hard to remember that Progress, is not moving backwards.
Lesson learned: Strategy is vitally important for any project or organisations, small or large. If you don't have a clear enough strategy, make sure you do!
Andy & Sarah
CEO, MD, Executive director
5 年What is your view on strategy?