The Evening is Just Like The Morning
Mike Vardy
Writer | Productivity Strategist | Time Management Specialist | Speaker | Workshop Leader
Before a certain time of day, the world is quiet. It’s a good time for deep work to be done. That’s why early birds prefer getting up early.
After a certain time of day, the world is quiet once more. It’s also a good time for deep work to be done. That’s why night owls (like me) prefer staying up late.
Early birds thrive with morning routines in place. Those routines and rituals help them do what they need and want to do before the rest of the world wakes up.
Night owls thrive with evening routines in place. Those routines and rituals help them do what they need and want to do after the rest of the world goes to sleep.
Both types need both types of routines.
Early birds need evening routines so that they can hit the ground running in the morning. Night owls need morning routines so they can mindlessly get through their morning.
I’m so tired of hearing that early birds win the day because they are up earlier in the day. Not so. Night owls just need to do the work early risers do the night before.
I’m not suggesting that if you’re not predisposed to being a night owl that you strive to become one. I’m just saying that if you’re already a night owl that you don’t need to fight your body clock to be an early bird.
You’ve got more important things to do.