Even if you win the rat race, you’re still a rat
A rat race is for rats. We're not rats. We're human beings.
To be successful in life we, first of all, have to escape the rat race. 95 percent of the world population is in the rat race and are not aware of that. You might be wondering what the rat race is.
How to escape the rat race in life?
I want to explain everything you need to know about the rat race and help you to escape from it.
What came first…chicken or egg?
Once you follow that, you will be able to grow as a person again, improve your life and become successful.
?Staying in the rat race will lead your life to destruction, platitude, low self-esteem and you will never be able to quit that 9 to 5 jobs you hate.
But I have good news for you, no matter how old you are it is possible to fix that and escape from the rat race and I will help you out and point you to the right direction.
A rat race is an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit. The phrase equates humans to rats attempting to earn a reward such as cheese, in vain. It may also refer to a competitive struggle to get ahead financially or routinely.
In other words, the rat race is staying in your comfort zone. Go to work, relax after work, because you are so tired and mentally drained that you can’t even think of doing anything else. Get paid for your hard work, wait for the weekend, and go back to work again, wait for a holiday. And once you do that, repeat all over again.
It is a pointless pursuit for a reward. You are spending 1/3 of your life at work to get that little reward called salary each month.
You can’t spend enough time with family, you can’t see how your children grow, because you are working overtime to get that extra money, so you could provide to your children.
And the worst thing is, that people think it is a normal lifestyle and that’s how everyone lives. Except for those rich people who probably get lucky in life or had rich and successful parents.
But we have to tell you that in most cases it’s not true and those people didn’t get lucky and didn’t have rich parents. They figure out how to escape the rat race in life. And with their hard work and dedication, they managed to become very successful in life.
Disclaimer:?The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate.
Thank you?….?Why Do People Get Into the Rat Race?
We buy things we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like. –
People like to buy things they can’t afford to impress other people. They are buying new cars with the lease just to others and show off that they can buy a new car when in reality they can’t. Then for five years, they have to keep paying monthly instalments to pay for that car.
Sometimes they don’t even have enough money left to fix that car or change the tires. I worst-case scenario if they lose the job they can’t pay monthly instalments anymore and lose the car.
Also, people like to be in their comfort zone and afraid of changes. They go to work every day and after work doesn’t want to do anything else to improve their life or learn new skills. They like excuses like “I’m too tired after work to do anything else”, “I need to relax, and “I deserved it”.
Spending the rest of your free time watching TV won’t help you to achieve more in life.
Want to be successful. ?
Work at the construction /real estate, then go to the gym and straight after gym run to your acting classes. Have loyal friends. Work very hard to get where you are now.
Hard to Escape from the Rat Race?
Here I want to talk about the main reasons why it’s so hard to get out of the rat race.
The brain adjusts to our lifestyle. People are repeating the same actions from day to day without any progression. Our brain gets used to a routine we are having every day, adjusts and gets comfortable with it. And while they are in their comfort zone it is nearly impossible to escape the rat race.
Fear. People are scared of the changes. They think if they quit the job they hate, they might never find a better job. People scared to have no guarantees that they will be able to make money and pay the bills.
Do you want to add a word or two?
Spending money. People like to spend money on not necessary stuff instead of investing them in a better future.
Laziness. This is probably most common reason why people can’t escape the rat race. They are lazy and will always find excuses not to do things which can improve their future and make their dreams come true.
Not believing in themselves selves. People always have doubts about their selves. They always ask questions like “what if that will not work out” or “what if I will fail”.
Not having a goal. Some people just don’t know what they want from life. They don’t have a purpose and are just happy with the current situation. If you want to quit a rat race, you have to know exactly what you want to achieve in life and work for it until it becomes a reality.
Not Planning. It is not enough just to have a goal, but you must have an exact plan on what you are going to do every day towards your goal.
Your comments.....
Escape the Rat Race in Life?
Now we know what the rat race is, why people get into it and why it is so hard to escape from it. The most important question now is how to escape the rat race in life and is it possible?
Yes, it is never too late to escape the rat race, but it is not going to be easy. Here are the list of the most important things you have to work on if you want to escape the rat race.
Change your mindset. First of all, you have to change your mindset. You must believe in yourself and that you can’t achieve more than just working for someone else. Don’t be afraid of failure and take failure as a lesson to learn from your mistakes, improve and try again.
Find a purpose. Some people are stuck in the rat race because they don’t have a purpose, they just exist, but not life. Find a purpose in life, something for what you would like to change and could put all your energy and effort in.
Don’t buy stuff, you can’t afford. Don’t buy expensive houses, cars, watches of other stuff just to show people that you can afford it. Buy cheaper house or car and try to invest extra money towards a better future.
Learn new skills. Every day, when you have free time, try to learn a new skill instead of watching TV or playing video games. Invest time and money in yourself, to become a better and smarter person.
Try to build a business. One of the best ways to escape the rat race is to work for yourself. Maybe you are a web designer or photographer than think of doing freelance jobs. Maybe you could build a website or an online shop. These days online business becoming more and more popular and don’t require big investments.
Think about all opportunities, what you would love to do in life and what would fulfill you and try to learn the skills you need and master the niche you want to work in.
Invest. Investing money can help to escape from the rat race too. You can invest into cryptocurrency, real estate, shares.
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