Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
Worthy readers 5th August was an unforgetable tragic day for Kashmiris ,before we comeover to the real topic here are few glimpses of Pakistan /India corridors of power as follows:-
- India still in deep shit after 5th August 2019 unilateral violation of human rights & violation of UN charter in Kashmir.
- India badly failed in Security Council in its latest meeting, Indians miuschievious propaganda against Pakistan biounced back on their face,they were declare perpetuating and finincing terror,violating UN Resulutions and trampling Human Rights blatantly?
- Pakistan ruling party has gained tremendous success in Azad Kashmir Legislative Assembly Elections.Pakistan was appreciated in Security Council Meeting for its positive and successful role in establishing peace in Afghanistan and South Asia.
- Pak-US relations are being consolidated and Dr. Moed Yousuf visit to USA was very fruitful (something is invisible let it be there?)
- Pakistanis Economy is galloping unprecedentedly ahead unlike any other country in the region.
- Pakistan makes mile stone achievement in keeping its people safe from the Pandemic. Vaccination Programme?is at the peak (MA)
- Pakistanis at home and abroad have become highly patriotic and started taking interest in Making the Nation great success in CPEC.
- Usman Buzdar has proved his worth. PM Imran latest choice for President of Azad Kashmir LA is another best decision in the interest of poor people
- Rumors about Gen Asim Salim Bajwa resignation are garbage. The decision is highly fruitful, patriotic and in the larger interest of CPEC.
- Neither Asif Zardari nor Nawaz Sharif would be given any amnesty.Shabaz Sharif is bigger evil and Maryam is mother of criminals.
- NAB/FIA/FBR are doing wonderfully well.
Ladies and gentlemen let us be very clear that Dr, Moed Yousaf visit to USA was very significant and it was not meant to ask US President to make a phone call to our PM ( very uncouth/Gowal Mandella Party’s bullshit).This visit?was in the wake of reviewing the follow up of US-Pakistan last high level meeting (May 2021 in Geneva)so as to assess what has been achieved and what is left, what are the hurdles and what are the options open and how to go ahead for further success, lest the world face some other crisis of 9/11 kind of menace in future. It gained tremendous success which we shall see very soon.?
1 .Dear audience it is very easy to say (above title) but impossible to ignore that, the bottom line of our security imperatives seek to get Pak-US relation consolidated, reviewed, reset, realigned & let the doors of diplomatic understanding open for all the big, great and small states, international organizations & our immediate neighbor, provided we are not seen through age old lenses of perception like the Taliban lens, Indian Lens, China Lens since or lens A, B or C.
2. In the past Pakistan was seen through Afghan face up and that was the beginning and end of all earlier conversations, which may be relevant in various phases of Pak-US relation till 2020 .Now it is illogical to start the age old conversation with the same primitive mindset and myopic vision since it is a different world of different perspectives, different powers and diverse interests. Till now Pakistan has successfully established US friendship with Taliban, facilitated talks with Iran, Palestine & KSA, eased out US withdrawal from Afghanistan with least loss. In other words Pakistan has covered all milestone successfully with lot of applause from the US in the past. Now every passing day is bringing terrible misery to Afghanistan and discredit to Pakistan and US name who wished to see a peaceful Afghanistan. Why because the India has gone nuts in the love of Ashraf Ghani in the meanwhile US final checkout date is getting closer but India has not changed its 5th August 2019 stance of making unilateral decision on Kashmir ,violation of Human Right, spreading terrorism and disinformation about its neighbors and misleading US and the World. Both US and Pakistan sides have their internal /administrative/security issues and both sides media is making fun of Afghanistan, India, US and Pakistan by calling it a diplomatic failure, not only that people of South Asia, Central Asia, Middle East have started smelling a “Holy War” or ‘Total War of Attrition” as per their mythology and belief?
3. Fortunately Pakistan high level teams after the completion of the China tour, Pakistan National Security Adviser Moeed Yusuf on Thursday met his US counterpart Jake Suvillian to discuss the urgent need for a reduction in violence in Afghanistan and a negotiated political settlement to the conflict. This was the NSAs’ second meeting after Geneva in May. “Had a positive follow-up meeting with NSA Jake Sullivan in Washington. Took stock of progress made since our Geneva meeting and discussed bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest. They also said both sides have agreed to sustain the momentum in Pak-US bilateral cooperation.
4. In a similar tweet,?Sullivan?said that both the sides agreed to consult on regional connectivity and security, and other areas of mutual cooperation.“We discussed the urgent need for a reduction in violence in Afghanistan and a negotiated political settlement to the conflict,” he added.In a recent interview, deeming negotiated settlement to be the only solution for the Afghan conflict, Prime Minister Imran Khan had remarked that the “US has really messed it up in Afghanistan”.In an interview with the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) ‘News hour’ on Tuesday, a primetime television programme, the premier emphasized that the best choice was a negotiated political settlement to the long-running conflict in Afghanistan, saying Pakistan would remain helpful in the peace process. He had said that the best outcome was that the Taliban sit down with the other side and form an inclusive government because the military solution had already failed. Prime Minister Khan had reiterated that after suffering huge human and material losses while participating in the US war against terrorism Pakistan wants to be partners in peace, but not in conflict.
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3 年why are you all forget that pakistan born from india 14 August 1947 and India give 55 carore to Pakistan for development. India is always best country. ?????????? ????????
Social Sciences
3 年Waiting for how we can deal with the negetive propoganda of the Indians that has not fully neutralised as yet.