Even a Pawn Can Checkmate a King:

Even a Pawn Can Checkmate a King:

Even a Pawn Can Checkmate a King:

Here while back an individual I know made the comment, “Even a pawn can checkmate a king.” Well for some reason those words stuck with me and I decided to delve into it a little deeper. We hear the word pawn used in a negative connotation all the time. We’ve heard it used to describe union members as they are often referred to as pawns for the left do their bidding. We’ve seen children used as pawns during custody battles. However we rarely ever hear the term used as a position of strength.

That’s exactly how this individual used the term when he made this comment. I was curious about this so I decided to consult a friend who is very skilled in the game of chess and asked him about the comment. He told me that pawns are the most numerous and weakest pieces on a chessboard. Chess players traditionally use these pieces to create confusion and force their opponents to reposition and expose their more powerful pieces on the board. Because they are so numerous and they really aren’t that powerful they tend to be maneuvered into positions on the chessboard that put them in jeopardy.

They are sacrificed to advance the overall strategy. Now in rare cases a pawn can indeed checkmate a king if it has the right support. And this is the main point of my post.

At some point in our lives we have all felt like pawns; large in numbers but weak in power. We have felt we were nothing but pieces on the chessboard of life to be sacrificed for the grand scheme of things. We seek to restore the republic and yet the task before us seems insurmountable. We feel like we are trying to fix a system that is simply too corrupt and too big to rein in.

Some have decided to pack it in, while others have chosen to step away.

Many have expressed their frustration openly. The game is fixed so what’s the point.

Remember the words, “a pawn can checkmate a king with the right support.” This is about the little guy or gal overcoming Goliath. And that’s what we are facing; a monster of a system that is crushing our liberties. So the way I see it the only way we will succeed in this great endeavor the restore the constitution and the republic is to support each other and to remember we do have strength in numbers. No matter how frustrated we become with the political parties, the corrupt system, the trolls, and the MSM as long as we continue to stand together and support each other then we will eventually checkmate the king.

We do this by staying on point and focus on the issues that really matter in America.

The main issues that directly impact individual Americans are Washington’s out of control spending and the economy. We must remember that if these two issues are allowed to further spiral out of control it just might unravel the very fabric of our nation and people. We all knew this was not going to be a sprint. It’s going to take a number of years to reverse the current trend.

During this time there will be battles; some we will lose but we must see it through. We must stand together and write about the issues that really matter to Americans. We must continue to point out when politicians are making bad decisions that have the potential to steer us off a cliff.

You see our strength isn’t derived from our position in society, or the pedigree of the university some of us may have attended.

Our strength comes from basic facts and simple truths and we have both on our side. I’m confident that as long as we continue to present the facts and the truth on a consistence basis we will indeed prevail. We will become the pawns that checkmate the king. And when that day happens the world will be turned upside down.

Liberty Forever, Freedom For All!



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