Not even a pair of socks!?

Not even a pair of socks!?

A rich man was lying down in his death bed, called his son and gave him the following commands, 

“I will be dying in a short period. The day I die, and they have washed my body and come to wrap it in the shroud, I want you to put one of my old pair of socks on my feet. This is my final request from you.”

Few days passed and the death had approached the old man. He left behind a lot of goods and wealth for his family. All of his relatives, friends and neighbours attended the funeral ceremony. 

The body was washed and almost completely wrapped in the shroud. Suddenly, the son remembered the final request of his father. So he found one of his father’s old pair of socks and handed it to the washer of the dead and told, 

“Following my father’s wish, Please put this on his foot.” The man replied, “ That is impossible as it is against Islamic law. (Shariah law)” 

Despite the valid objection, the son insisted, “That was my father’s final request and it should certainly be carried out.” 

The washer replied, “ If you don’t believe me, then ask the scholars of Islam who has more knowledge than you and me.”

Holding up the funeral, they consulted the Scholars who declared that it was impermissible in Islam to do such an act. 

Just then an aged friend of the deceased interrupted the debate with the following words,

“ My son, your late father entrusted me with a letter that I was to handed it over to you after his death. And here take a look at it.”

He gave the boy an envelope which he took the letter out and read the contents which were as follows,

“My son all this wealth and property I have left it for you. Now see at the last moment, they won't even let you give me an old pair of socks to wear. When you come to be in my condition one day, they will not allow you to take anything except your shroud. Eight yards of the shroud is what you will be able to carry from this world to the hereafter. So pull yourself and be prepared. Spend the fortune that I have left you not for the satisfaction of the vain desires, rather achieve the pleasure of Allah which will be honourable for you both, in this World and the next?.” 

So my dear folks, let us all understand that we are living in this temporary world. Allah says in the Quran, “ You prefer the life of this world while the life in the hereafter is better and everlasting” (Quran 87:16-17) 

Let us constantly remember death, as the Prophet (saw) mentioned that death is the destroyer of all pleasures of this world. 

May Allah (SWT) guide us to the right path and make us be prepared for the Akhirah. 


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