Even an orthopaedic surgeon gets it!
During my hospital career, orthopaedic surgeons were viewed like Carpenters of the medical work- see a broken bone pin it or plaster it. OA hip/Knee replace it.
We did not experience an orthopaedic surgeon deeply thinking of root cause.
This is more a reflection of me not really talking to many orthopods in social setting.
The last time I came across an orthopaedic surgeon taking this stance was a brave guy in Australia who suggested preoperatively obese patients should stop eating sugar and food that gave rise to rapid absorption of carbohydrates.
For this he was referred to Australian equivalent of the GMC and a battle to keep his liscence to practice ensued for many years. Hard to believe but now you might understand why the growth in obesity and ytpe2 diabetes has continued at an extraordinary rate. Challenging the standard advice that was not working could end in end of your career. So guidelines become dogma. The scientific method is suppressed. This is the hypothesis, I now should try to disprove the hypothesis. That is science. Similar blockers to rapid innovation in medicine is blocked by similar attitudes. We need to welcome debate.
Today I celebrate brave, intelligent, perceptive orthopaedic surgeons!