Even for International Womens'? Day there's time for high flying adventure and a few laughs along the way....DC Universe, Boomerang & a streetfighter?

Even for International Womens' Day there's time for high flying adventure and a few laughs along the way....DC Universe, Boomerang & a streetfighter?

A salute to International Women's Day -2019

Thanks ladies for all that you do -keeping us incheck and striving to make not only a difference, but the world a better place....

Keeping that spirit of hope and determination just hop over to DC Universe and Boomerang. Both streaming services have a special line up for the whole month of March. Plus the Bluray release of Sister Streetfighter. Hi Yah!!!! (that actually is a name of streaming service also).

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Starting off with a special edition of DC Daily(new episodes airs Mon - Fri) - the place to find out everything DC from comic book news to movies and TV.

The March 8th episode which can be streamed at any time was an all "girls" show. sending the men packing for a night of poker , beer and chips... and comic books of course. While the ladies of DC Daily gopt down to some serious discussions regarding Female Furies issue 2.

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Taking place on planet. Where the likes of Granny Goodness colloides with Barda and rest of the furies all the being mistreated and manhandled. in what is right inline with what is happening here in real life addressing the me-to movement. Some are being told to suck it up...or it's your fault for what happened .

Well let's say right now-it is never anyone's fault! Especially when they have been abused either mentally or physically or both. or even being humiliated sexually. Forced or pressured to either get ahead- say a promotion or position or even keep the position you have. You base it on merit- skills and not the size or shape of person or sex. Do they have nice curves...etc.

Now this episode also includes a special performance of I Saw a Ghost by The Tenth- featuring Harley Quinn Smith and Taylor Blackwell - this band rocks and generally plays punk-pop bubblegum music - they just released an digital album - Dunes-which is available on Itunes.

My hats off ladies- you are heroes for discussing this series and issue . Your urging for all to read Female Furies. male and female. And done in a very candid way. I have a great respect for all of you on DC Daily and the women that made up this particular show-they are as follows-

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Clarke Wolfe( host for the nights discussion-author/actress/film critic).

Along with

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Whitney Moore

(actor,producer,voice actor Star Girl-Young Justice-Outsiders season 3 DC Universe 2019)

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Markeia McCarty




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Amy Dallen(Future Girl/Shield of Tomorrow,Geek n Sundry).

Each and everyone of these ladies has had an amazing career and they are only just getting started. If you think about their youth and personalities plus add in the vibrance they exude. Wow! They give the show a charm and are a welcomed part of each and every episode.

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Above-most of the cast as they dressed up for Halloween episode- including top left - Clarke Wolfe(Batgirl), John Barrowman(Wonder Woman-75),John Kourounis( AS John ? ) , Sam Humphries( Harley Quinn - "Where's my puddin?")-Middle- Markeia McCarty(Wonder Woman-Movie version), Whitney Moore(Swamp Thing),Front Row- Tiffany Smith(Death?), Skull ( as Skull) , Samm Levine( The Batman)

They brilliantly complement their counterparts which include Sammy Sam Sam Humphries, Samm " the one and only" Levine( he told me to say that), John " I never know what he will be wearing or doing next" Barrowman , good ole Hector " I guarantee" Navarro and John " I'm not taking Humphries side on this one" Kourounis.

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Above- a group pic for Bat Family Day - I hope Markeia does not mind this .. no make up... well for dress up that is .. maybe some "stage" cream...right to left this time... John, Hector, Sam H, Brian T, Whitney, Samm L, Markeia, Clarke and middle left Amy(sitting) plus the Blue Cap Guy in the lower left hand corner...

What just is DC Daily you ask. What on earth do these talented people do. Well I will just say the each and every week dat or is it that's -Monday thru Friday for those who can't get enough DC Comics news. Believe me you there is a slew happening each and every day from weekly comic book releases to star casting for new TV/Film projects especially right here on DC Universe . Where else can you find live action versions of the Teen Titans, Doom Patrol and the long awaited 3rd season of Young Justice. And if that is not enough well each and every Friday there is something new being added for your reading and viewing pleasure.

*** coming soon **** live Swamp Thing series, Star Girl(which means the golden age JSA), Esai Morales just cast as Deathstroke for the 2nd season of Titans.

Now March is bringing some incredible programming and comics the DC Universe - keeping in step International Women's Month we have -

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Doom Patrol - overwhelmed by the entire cast in this series and one that will literally blow your mind when it comes to comic books and TV done right- it concerns a group of individuals who by all rights should have perished, or been abandoned by society not unlike what these people may have been doing or neglecting their friends, family, co-workers or fans- even maybe the world. So caught up in their own misguided lives. The each of them had some tragic accident that brought them to the "Chief" ( Timothy Dalton). He gave each of them a place to stay and with the hope that they each would attain a sense of purpose. A second chance to learn responsibility for their actions and become a family. All sounds quite normal unless one is robot with a human brian, a "negative" man, a very elastic individual able to stretch their body/parts and another has 64 personalities along with 64 super powers. Oh and throw in a cyborg superhero who is just coming into his own...well you get picture. Not your normal everyday next door family...all this and a narrator who turns out to be one nuty out of this world villain? Their standard mode of transportation- a school bus. Ouch!! This is a live action format with some of the craziest scenarios - special effects with plenty of action. Laden with a quirky sense of humor.. my vote is for the donkey.I think this years' best supporting for an emmy. You'll just have to go with me on that or tune in... which I highly recommend.

Remember DC Universe has a comic reader as part of its service/app there is lost of Doom Patrol and many other titles.

Cast - Diane Guerrero-Crazy Jane, April Bowlby-Elastic Girl, Brendan Fraser-voice Robot Man, Matt Bomer-voice of Negative man, Jovian Wade-Cyborg and Alan Tudyk-Mr Nobody(not pictured) & Timothy Dalton-Chief

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Premiered February 15th and new episodes are available to stream every Friday thru run of first season.

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Above - fan art reflecting various suits and hero garb that Wonder Woman sported during the run of the series -75-77

DC Universe is offering up the complete Wonder Woman series in HD starring Lynda Carter from the mid seventies along with a round up of curated comic book titles featuring Birds of Prey(check out 90s TV series also streaming here as well) and a slew of Harley Quinn adventures (which I can never get enough of)!!! And speaking of our little miss court jester,she is getting her own animated series right here on DC Universe later this year. Super stoked!!!! Yeah Harley!!!!

Reading Harley Quinn on Dc Universe. sporting an enhanced comic book reader makes reading digital comics even easier- thank you DC. Here for all you Harley Quinn fans is 21 issues of Harley Rebirth, several issues of Suicide Squad featuring Daddy's Little Monster and 26 issues of Gotham City Sirens( joining our favorite gum chewing ex psychiatric assistant is her bff- Red or as we know her:Poison Ivy & Selina Kyle aka Catwoman). Plus one of my favorite runs Harley Quinn 2000- 38 turn your DC world upside down with fun as everyone seems to guest star in this awesome series on both sides of the law ... check out issue no 11 as Nightwing becomes a- carjacker ? When Harley's involved anything and everything can happen. But that is what makes such a pleasure for a late nite read.

Shhh Don't you say a word but I think that's what I going to do right now

Below- for now we will have to dive into Batman : The Animated Series(in HD) to get our fill of Harley until her series debuts right here on DC Universe and a slew of curated titles for your reading pleasure...

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DC Universe-


IMDB-Link-for full credits of cast and crew-


The Tenth-Link to their website-



Video- I Saw a Ghost-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ri3GEY0UIw

*** Both Dc Universe and Boomerang are available for streaming via Roku and Fire TV devices as well as your PC


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Boomerang has gone all out with Women who Rock-the playlist includes episodes of the newly added Josie and the Pussycats and it's sequel series with the gang "In Outer Space" both from the groovy early 70s. Sharing company with Juniper Lee and original series starring Dorothy " I'm not in Kansas anymore" & the Wicked Witch of the West's niece, Wilhelmina in the very smartly written, hilarious Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz .

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Join all the gang as they try to keep those Ruby Red slippers in Dorothys' possession as Wilhelmina keeps trying to get them for her aunt who is trapped in a magic crystal ball. I'll get you and those nasty looking monkeys too...no one is safe . But let's admit it sometimes it's fun to be bad....well at least in celluloide...

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Wilma and Betty's famous Rule No. 34- Charge It !!!!

Rounding out the list is Wilma and Betty from the Flintstones and Jane "stop this crazy thing" Jetson. We musn't forget Penelope Pitstop and all her perils.

Link to Boomerang-


Arrow Films has released the ultimate female action series/franchise from the 70's .

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SISTER STREET FIGHTER Collection!!!!!! (1974-1976- released and produced by Toei )-Bluray release - Arrow Films

Starring- Etsuko Shihomi

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Wow! Does she look great. I mean the movie and her too. All 4 of them. A stunning high definition transfer on Bluray and loaded with lots of fun bonus features including trailers and isolated soundtracks - plus a new interview with one my favorite action stars-Sonny Chiba. Sonny also appears in the first of the series- Sister Street Fighter. Also offered in their original Japanese release edition which means for the first time here -uncut with all the action and blood left in that was not apart of the US released prints.

Below -Arrow Promo for bluray release


The films highlight the adventures of Li Kory, half Japanese/half Chinese martial arts competitor and undercover agent for an asian law enforcement agency. She is an expert in weapons- nun chaku, throwing stars, staff and Si's-short-thin daggers that can be spun by hand. These flicks hold nothing back. Like the titles state street fighting-swift short skirmishes with intense brutality. Li is taking down drug cartels, smuggling, slavery and illegal weapon sales and anyone who is bullying the defenseless, downtrodden-old & young. The last in the series Fifth Level Fist is unrelated to the series but is directed by of the Street Fighter - starring Sonny Chiba. Still retaining the fun and funky soundtrack with long electric guitar solos with a plot involving a Japanese film company as a front for a world wide crime syndicate that is smuggling drugs hidden within buddha statues being shipped overseas to America. Already this one is the top of my list as a favorite late nite fair with a screaming piece of pizza!!!

Original trailer for Sister Street Fighter-


The films are pure grindhouse and off the charts pop culture with funky soundtracks, nudity and violence. no sparing the blood or the entrails for that matter( the first film originally received an X rating from the MPAA until 6 minutes were cut to get an R- mostly for the violent nature & gore of some scenes). So who says a lady can't do a man's "job".Kinda of an Eastern :Spaghetti " Western in a mod setting. With wall scaling, car chases, open fights and knock down brawls on the seaside docks of Japanese harbors. Enduring tortures- being dangled over a bed of spikes, poison darts.

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Above -US original release poster

Here's something to think about. This was 1974- having a female in the lead role of an action series was not occuring on a regular basis. But Japan and Hong Cinema had been pushing the limits in females wielding swords for a few years starting in mid 60's and early 70's. But karate and kung fu was another matter. When Bruce Lee, Wang Yu and the film Five Fingers Of Death hit world wide it was mainly a "man's" job to bring the bad guys down. The only exception to that rule was Angela Mao. Especially in a series of films with the same recurring character this was new somewhat new ground. There had been 2 other contenders -Lady Snowblood 1973 (Meiko Kaji) and Come Drink With Me 1966 (Pei-pei Cheng as Golden Swallow) both spawned sequels.

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Now imagine when Etsuko started out she was only 16 years of age. In fact she almost did not make it-at least at the Japan Action Club. She was highly skilled and could do anything asked of her. Her athletic prowess was off the chart and yet none of the instructors would pass her. One day Shinichi Chiba(Sonny) spoke with one of the instructors and asked why she was not being passed. He was told she was too flat and looked like a man. Well Sonny asked that they take a look at her again. Chiba stated that he was very interested in her and that she had a great skill at adapting to various forms /styles of martial arts plus the ability to pick up any weapon and put it to good use. Shortly after that conversation she was passed. It does Sonny said that I just happen to be the director of the academy...lol. It was a most beneficial decision.

Etsuko or Sue Shiomi as she was also known remained active as an actress from 1973 to 1987. Starred in several TV series beside during this time period. Kikaider- superhero show on motorcycles- a different take on the sentai(rangers or Power Rangers here in the states) shows. Also part of the Kamen Riders universe. Androids appearing in human form. Etsuko played Mari an android in human form who originally started out on the side of Shadow, an evil organization bent on the destruction of the Kikaider. She also had a singing career during mid 70's - mid 80's. So as you can see a woman of many talents.

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Sue made in the span of 14 years 40 theatrical films, appeared or starred in over 40 TV series and made several TV movies. Now if that is not one dedicated to their craft I don't know what is. She was one busy gal. She currently supports a charity cause and has put out 3 books Flowers & Inspire are the themes. So Etsuko thanks for entertaining us for all these years and being so driven and focused. It is much appreciated.

Arrow Films-


Links to Etsuko-



Her Flowers and Inspire


Below-A tribute video showcasing her amazing skill in martial arts and athleticism...


Everyone I hope you had a good time reading this and that you pay all these wonderful ladies a stop by via all the links on here . It is getting a little late - easy to lose track of time while gathering all of this together for all ye pop culture "nuts" . Me, I just can not get enough and with that I bid all a goodnight as I get ready to settle down for a long winters nap . Hey that's the wrong story and besides we are way beyond that holiday. Well get out out of here you all... Not to rush ya ...see ya next time..Shhh Don't you say a word but while everyone is checking out all this info I'm jumping back into the DC Universe comic book reader. I was right where Nightwing is forced to commandeer a car all the while chasing Harley dressed up as Batgirl. I did not see that one comin..oops . Don't forget to turn off the lights and lock up the studio...this is "Doc" saying ciao for now...


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