Even in the greatest events of deceptions being released by the media, the Hollywood stars, the darkened ones who have rejected GOD by rejecting even

Even in the greatest events of deceptions being released by the media, the Hollywood stars, the darkened ones who have rejected GOD by rejecting even

Still God remains!

“In all which you do!”

The brightness of the Light of the Lord, shines throughout the spirit realms, where sunlight is not; yet His Glory shines day and night!

Even within the hearts and souls of so many who reject Him, and so man who have never even known of His love.


As I find myself where He has placed me in Himself; so are all the righteousness of His entire being revealed and made available to be seen and heard, and His seal over me follows me everywhere!


Here in the stillness of the night which shines as the day; The Teacher once again comes and reveals Himself to me, where I have located Him, on purpose have I looked and I have found my God and my Savior who loves me so much that He, Himself has provided this place of prayer and meditation for me to abide under His Power and Wisdom which brings into my soul and my spirit, His Strength, gained through the ever growing measure of faith He granted into me!




“But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God-and righteousness and sanctification and redemption,

That, as it is written, “He who glories, let him glory “IN THE LORD.”

I Corinthians 1:30-31


“Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?”

I Corinthians 6:19


“Now also know, that to each who seeks finds and unto all who knocks it shall be open unto them!”


“So many have filled their lives because of being falsely taught that it is okay for them to follow after all others in their mis lead ways; going and becoming only part of the crowd and not even entering in where I have Allowed them to also enter into”


“They say they are mine, yet only they themselves have allowed themselves to follow after the voices of others and the ways of others! Accepting every wave of man’s doctrine, teachings, Opinions and wayward ways, away from My secret places I have provided for them!”


“They speak of Me and My Word, that is One; yet they have become stones of another nature, religion and man made rules and regulations, following and bending knees to the law of man out of their own placement in following the multitude of those who have built their own foundations upon the sand, those who can not help themselves, any longer, because their own wisdom has become their own!”


“I have offered and I have given and provided My Way, Truth and Life, Jesus My Christ into the world; they rejected Me than as even now greater; they have removed Me from and out of their own daily lives and those of their children and their children’s children: now they no Longer speak of Me let alone know Me!”


“Now; “know this, as I have told you beforehand; “ALL” have I told, yet their blindness has consumed them and their own hearts have turned away from Me, their souls hardened against Me, yet they live a life of fear and sickness and suffering, begging for Me to help them, daily, only speaking into the winds where they are following all else.”


“I have given My Self and My Spirit; yet have they rejected Me; for the false and unloving and uncaring ways of the evilness which I told all beforehand would come!”


“But know this, (so I stated, but they do not follow Me and My Words nor do they believe them); because they have themselves fallen into evil ways, and the forces of darkness have surrounded them; trying to block My Light!”


“Who can block My Light out of the darkness; no one and nothing; as My light shines through All the darkness!”


“They know My Light and My Light remains provided for ALL! But their own evil ways have consumed them, to just reject and to continue to reject Me, My Light and My Spirit! Building up for themselves false and fake lights and continuing to hide themselves from My True Light!”


“Who can hide from Me?”


“My Light Continues to shine and all mankind knows My Light because it is the Light in their own darkness that they can not put out!”


“My Light is My Word who is My Son, Jesus; none before them could put out My Light and none now can nor will any ever be able to stop My Glory from shining through all things, those which are good and those which are evil! For Mine is truly a never ending Light, and as the darkness becomes darker, My Light become brighter!”


“Yet have I not provided for each My Own way, of leaving their own darkness and humbling before Me, and shall I not shine My Ever Living Light of My Love for each upon them and forgive them of their own evilness and darkness? I Alone am God, and there is none other!”


“For also I have told of these perilous times in each one’s lives, which shall come about and shall do so only to steal, kill and destroy, “ALL WHICH IT MAY!””


“Today is the day of Salvation, of humbling, of rejecting the darkness and returning into My Light! I have made it so very easy, for My Yoke have I provided for all, who shall but reject the darkness of all others and even of themselves!”

“Return to Me and allow My Light to shine in you, return on purpose because if you acknowledge not Me, there truly is no other for you and not against you”;


“return and just repent and I shall turn your darkness into Light, My Own Light, which not all of the darkness can ever put out!”

“Hear My voice now, and come one and all, for truly I shall bring you into My Light and your own secret place in Me, shall I redeem

And deliver you each too! Your own secret place where My Strength shall strengthen you and where you shall be provided for, that you, shall have all else removed from you, where darkness can not enter into; and where you shall be able to abide forevermore; out of all of these times of darkness which I have revealed before you, and where I have provided a place for you out of!”

“Yet there is no other way; for the time of My Spirit among all, draws ever so shorter, and My offering to all becomes shorter; for just as you now see and hear all which I have told you of, so know that I shall not allow My Own to suffer much longer! For their is none other like Me, and there shall never be!”


“Yes And Amen Lord and Teacher! Here I abide, here where You have provided for me! So too shall be my own testimony all the days of this life on earth, everywhere I am and everywhere Your Spirit leads me too! Here where I fear not none other, and death and the grave has no power over me! For here is where my Lord resides and here is where I shall remain all the days of this life: with every breath giving You praises in the peacefulness and loving Kindness of Your Love!”



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