Even If God Be Against; Effort Is Bound To Pay:
TamilNADUs Timeless Treasure To The World - ??????????? (Tirukural):
Long before - we humans invented organised religions & rituals to market the concept of gods and use it to divide, conquer, instill fear of heaven, hell, rebirth & karma, rule over others, make money with norms and all the rigmarole that goes with all the gods and religions of the world - the rational time tested text called Thirukural was written in ancient TamilNADU more than 2000 years ago in the worlds oldest language TAMIL that's still in use.
The Kural is considered chef d'oeuvre of both Indian and world literature and has been praised for its veracity over the millennia by great intellects around the globe.
The text has been translated into at least 60 languages, making it one of the most translated non religious ancient texts in the world.
Further this text does not try to propagate any single religion or ritual per se and is secular in nature that will apply to one and all no matter what man made religions & rituals we follow or not.
It is considered a common creed, providing a sane guide for all humans to live civilized and ethical and achieve betterment in life.
All it needs is a rational mind AKA common sense to implement it in our day to day life and behold its results.
Though the authorship of this classical work is traditionally attributed to Thiruvaluvar a poet & philosopher we have no proof that if it was written by one person or a blend of many over the years that was finally compiled as one text and even the image associated of Thiruvalluvar is based on an imagined portrait
Personally as a student of philosophy I think that Thirukural was compiled by many poets and philosophers of the sangam age in ancient TamilNADU.
Very much like the Stoic doctrines of the Hellenistic period in Athens where the members of the school congregated, and their lectures were held that was chronicled over many years. As of now the only complete works by these Stoic philosophers that we possess now are those by writers of Imperial times, Seneca (4 BCE–65 CE), Epictetus (c. 55–135) and the Emperor Marcus Aurelius (121–180) whose works focused on ethics.
Nevertheless we can ascertain that Tirukkural immaterial of if it was written by one or many is an extraordinary text that connects to all people who are at different levels of psychological, sociological and emotional maturity and encourages them to move forward if put into practice.
The beauty of this text is that all of the intricacies of dealing with our everyday life situations ranging from - managing a country/city, public admin, human resources, farming, water management, family dynamics, social behavior, friendship, professional ethics, values, anger, ego, lack of self-control, emotional turmoil, romantic/intimate relationships, separation, grief, self esteem, self motivation, preventive health practices, etc have all been eloquently explained as short couplets (kurals) of seven words each - All of it with NO religious connotations or a punishing/ judging almighty whatsoever.
The text consist of 1,330 kurals and is divided into three books with aphoristic teachings on Virtue (Aram), Wealth (Porul) and Love (Inbam), respectively.
Below is a detailed description of the text with links to translation in many languages, reading recommendations and speeches on it.
The Kural is structured into 133 chapters, each containing 10 couplets (or kurals), for a total of 1,330 couplets. All the 133 chapters have an ethical theme and are grouped into three parts, or "books".
Book 1 - Arathupaal ((????-Aram) – About Ethics – 38 SectionsBook of Virtue, dealing with ethical behaviour of an individual
Book 2 - Porutpaal(??????-Porul) – About Politics & Economics – 70 Sections
Book of Polity, dealing with socio-economic values, polity, society and administration
Book 3 - Inbathupaal(??????-Inbam) – About Love – 25 Sections
dealing with psycho social principles in love & relationship.
Each kural or couplet contains exactly seven words, known as cirs, with four cirs on the first line and three on the second. A cir is a single or a combination of more than one Tamil word. For example, the term Thirukkural is a cir formed by combining the two words thiru and ku?a?.
Below are some kurals that talks about how honest labour will yield success even when faced with adversities.
????? ??????????? ??????? ????????
?????? ??????? ?????. (???? - 611)
Arumai Utaiththendru Asaavaamai VentumPerumai Muyarsi Tharum (Transliteration)
arumai u?aitte??u acāvāmai vē??um
perumai muya?ci tarum. (Transliteration)
Do not give up saying 'It is impossible'. Effort will overcome.
????????? ????????? ?????? ??????????
???????????? ??????????? ????. ( 612)
Vinaikkan Vinaiketal Ompal Vinaikkurai
Theerndhaarin Theerndhandru Ulaku (Transliteration)
vi?aikka? vi?aike?al ōmpal vi?aikku?ai
tīrntāri? tīrnta??u ulaku. (Transliteration)
Leave no task incomplete, For the world gives up those who give up.
??????? ???????? ??????? ???????????
????? ???????? ??????. (616)
Muyarsi Thiruvinai Aakkum Muyatrinmai
Inmai Pukuththi Vitum (Transliteration)
muya?ci tiruvi?ai ākkum muya??i?mai
i?mai pukutti vi?um. (Transliteration)
Exertion leads to wealth; Lack of it brings forth poverty.
????????? ??????? ???? ?????????
???????? ??????? ????. (617)
Matiyulaal Maamukati Enpa Matiyilaan
Thaalulaan Thaamaraiyi Naal (Transliteration)
ma?iyu?ā? māmuka?i e?pa ma?iyilā?
tā?u?ā? tāmaraiyi ?ā?. (Transliteration)
The black ogress 'misfortune' lurks in laziness, While goddess 'fortune' lingers in active men.
?????????? ?????????? ???????? ??????????
??????? ????? ???. (618)
Poriyinmai Yaarkkum Pazhiyandru Arivarindhu
Aalvinai Inmai Pazhi (Transliteration)
po?iyi?mai yārkkum pa?iya??u a?iva?intu
ā?vi?ai i?mai pa?i. (Transliteration)
Ill-luck is never blamed. What is blamed Is knowledge without exertion.
??????????? ??? ???????? ??????????
???????????? ???? ?????. (619)
Theyvaththaan Aakaa Theninum Muyarsidhan
Meyvaruththak Kooli Tharum (Transliteration)
teyvattā? ākā te?i?um muya?cita?
meyvaruttak kūli tarum. (Transliteration)
Even though God be against, Effort is bound to pay the wages of labour.
??????? ????????? ??????? ???????????
?????? ?????? ????. (620)
Oozhaiyum Uppakkam Kaanpar Ulaivindrith
Thaazhaadhu Ugnatru Pavar (Transliteration)
ū?aiyum uppakkam kā?par ulaivi??it
tā?ātu u?a??u pavar. (Transliteration)
Those who never get tired of striving undauntedly Shall leave even Fate behind.
Links worth perusing to learn more on this classic that would help you to maximize your potential:
Karu Palaniappan ???.?????????? sir's 5 recommended books in Tamil that details the Kural.
@Suki Sivam sir speechs on Thirukural
@Sivakumar sir on Thirukural & life incidents
@Hitoshi Pruiksma sirs translation of Kural discussion
#tamil #thirukural #tamilnadu #southindia #india
9 个月Hello ganesh,this is Lekhaprasant from chennai
10 个月Hello ganesh,this is Lekhaprasant fromchennai,hopeurgood
11 个月Hi ganesh
11 个月Nice quote
11 个月Hi,good morning