Even Facing Arrest He Declares His Innocence By Committing Yet Another Crime!

Even Facing Arrest He Declares His Innocence By Committing Yet Another Crime!

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything” - Albert Einstein.

When I write about my experiences it isn’t just about me, it’s about fighting for justice in this world.

If we turn away from the moral injustices in this life and ignore their existence then we are exacerbating and inflaming them.

We should not allow immoral and wrongful acts to take place if we have the power to do something about them.

This is also the case if we don’t call out a person or situation that is damaging to either ourselves or others, whether directly or indirectly.

Speaking up can be difficult but living with the result of never having your voice heard is even harder, invariably the damage is worse and longer term.

Those who are capable of what I term as “evil acts” are morally reprehensible.

I don’t personally know many people in my own life who are like this.

Yet I know one man, a virtual stranger I’ve spoken about before on here, whom I've only met a handful of times in the past who insists on preying on me, yet demands the reverse is the case.

I consistently find myself in a position where my abuser absolutely demands on shaming me in public, (for speaking out).

This morning once again, I received a stream of messages against a post on my Twitter feed which demands his innocence. Last week, 2 people posted links to his blog article on my own LinkedIn post, his blog proclaimed he was a victim and showed forged legal documents.

This morning on Twitter, a person had cut & paste their same message from LinkedIn last week and posted the same link to one of my Twitter posts.

Regardless of the forgeries and lies in his blog, there are people demanding his innocence and waving away the physical and psychological torture I’ve endured over the past decade from him.

As a very real victim of a crime that he's already been arrested for, people are purposely making me feel worthless, irrelevant, unimportant, and, that my life doesn’t matter, in fact, I’ve been accused of purposely attempting to “control people” because I’ve recounted the honest truth about the hell I’ve been going through.?

Although I've been clear about the intense psychological agony I've been through and my diagnosis of #PTSD, clinical #depression and #anxiety, a #breakdown and an attempted #suicide, people seem insistent that I should stop 'harassing and targeting' my perpetrator (this, they see as me speaking out about the trauma and experiences he brought me), because there is an insistence that it is lies and that I'm quite simply targeting him.

As a victim, speaking out is difficult already, however, I've been accused of being vicious, mentally unstable, vengeful, aggressive and jealous, wanting to split his marriage up.

Believe me, I'd like him to leave me alone, I've had a decade of hell from this fella whose only real love affair is with himself!

I actually don’t feel safe, this person that people are supporting and protecting (who claim I’m targeting) has been watching & preying on me for 10 years, he has read and heard about my breakdown, cancer, targeting & harassment from the beginning.

My previous two posts recounting experiences (in the last few weeks) at his hands have attracted others to continuously leave links against my posts which point me to my abuser’s claims of innocence coupled with forged police documentation & a forged land registry pdf with his name erased as the next owner of my former property at; 23 Moorland Rd, SK2 7AT (after myself).

He insists I should take responsibility for being his victim and he's actively recruiting others who all willingly and openly discredit me on his behalf in public, on my feed (even where I don't name him in my posts).

I categorically refuse to stay silent!

At the aforementioned address, I underwent extreme targeting and my possessions were purposely thrown into the local tip on the day I moved out, by the person sent to pick up my key on behalf of the buyer.

I'm not going to recount my entire experiences again (10 years is a long time), they are outlined here: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/i-can-longer-stay-silent-against-sickening-toxicity-out-wall-

Since writing the above post, my abuser has had several people post links against my post to the blog of his I mentioned, where he references his innocence & how much of a terrible time, he and his family are having because of my targeting of him.

He has already been arrested and detained for a short time in a prison cell with his digital devices seized, yet he is so persistent in public that he is telling the truth - it honestly defies belief!

If the events leading up to today, weren’t so serious or had caused me such grave loss, a breakdown and previous attempted suicides it’d be laughable.

His blog, doesn’t just demand his innocence in public, I reiterate, that he’s used official police documentation which he’s unashamedly forged, along with falsified land registry documents removing his name from my former property to publicly appear innocent.

He even has a police officer offering their personal opinion about his & his family’s own “mirrored” sufferings at my hands.

BLIMEY, this is brazen!

Even more so that after being back into the police station this week (stressed and suffering with PTSD, because now a female influencer is demanding I'm targeting her over posts that are 2 months old, which recall the truth, I was informed that GMP isn't a service for others to 'weaponise' as part of their ongoing targeting and harassment of me (or in fact anybody!)

To do this is highly manipulative, they don't have the time or the manpower, there are very real crimes happening in our society. It is no surprise to anybody who is aware of the news that the police are under resourced as it is and on a huge recruitment drive, they're maxed out with cases and the CPS backlog is huge!

It is also a criminal offence to use the police service as a 'weapon' for your own means against other people (just because you fancy seeking retribution, i.e. in this instance because there is already another criminal case open against you for actively and aggressively destroying a persons life for a decade).

Let me be clear and explain a little more about this character involved here:

  1. This man knows exactly what he’s done, he knows it's illegal (he also knows that he’s so desperate to prove his innocence he’s broken the law again - now adding forgery to his long list of charges).
  2. This man knows that under the legal protection order I have against him, he isn’t allowed to mention my name and has now broken it for a THIRD time (the last time he was incarcerated for several days).
  3. This man is perfectly aware (and actually stimulated by) how much pain, loss & suffering he has caused me & still persists on causing me today.
  4. This man's memory does not fail him; he remembers his active involvement, planning, strategising, exchanging money and willfully carrying through 10 years of intense targeting, gaslighting, abuse and destruction in my life which he remembers he's still continuing today.
  5. This man knows he is attempting to silence me.
  6. This man (a human predator), following 10 years of deep intent to destroy my life is aware that he is now purposely painting himself publicly as the victim and myself as the villain.
  7. This man understands DEEPLY how to psychologically profile others to both groom & victimise - he does this EXCEPTIONALLY well.
  8. This man absolutely know's he's lying and whilst he's getting a dopamine kick out of targeting me so regularly he's also getting that same kick from manipulating others into believing he is innocent (and when he sees you fight his corner for him).
  9. This man is a well oiled machine when it comes to profiling and preying on other human beings, the rise of social media has aided his reach and therefore his net in doing this.
  10. When he reads this (because undoubtedly he will), it will excite him, he will fain injury and act deeply upset, but in effect, will see this as the continuation of a fabulous 'game' where only the stakes have risen (and therefore his dopamine hit) because now the police are involved and there is an additional 'risk' factor for him to 'get off on'

I don’t believe therefore, that this man has amnesia or any other illness that excuses his memory or innocence of these matters and, there was a huge amount of evidence and witnesses stacked up against him (and against others involved) even BEFORE his digital devices were seized, revealing substantially MORE evidence!

Will he ever publicly own up to this being the case? Erhm No!

So much so, for example, that should every national newspaper print his face on the cover and include ALL witness statements, documents, real land registry information, voice recordings, police interviews, his phone data and EVERYTHING we had - he would STILL have an answer for it all and he would STILL protest his innocence.

This is what we are dealing with here (even in the face of REAL evidence, REAL proof and REAL crime).

Falsifying written letters from GMP, official lawful documents/land registry documents to post up in public for the world to see in order to proclaim his innocence is really 'water off a ducks back'

Perhaps you or I would be mortified at the thought of yourself or someone you knew going to the extremes of forging police documentation and declaring it as 'real' to a public audience and understanding the criminal implications of this (during an already open police case, where there is already a protection order in place), this person is NOT.

The evidence we've gathered against him (across the past 18 months+) is completely irrefutable and, he's not that happy to be held accountable finally and lawfully for his actions but refuses to accept it (he's getting a dopamine kick out of fighting it though - while those of you are still feeling sorry for him).

An individual like this cannot be reasoned with, I'm hopefully making you understand that we are looking at a whole new level of 'psychology' and psychological process going on in this 'brain' - this person is wired differently to most of us.

Here is why; he is a PSYCHOPATH - and a little about what this means and how they can operate so guiltless.

“Psychopaths as Human Predators”?

If you consider yourself a fairly “normally” operating human being who, for example, doesn’t consistently aim to control and manipulate others for their own benefit to get a kick out of watching people suffer for your actions, you may find what I’m explaining here difficult to get your head around.

Incidentally, if you’ve already been groomed by him you’ll read this with disbelief and reject it - I already know that!

The fact is, he is an influencer, many people have been groomed by him already, this is why it’s even MORE important for me to speak up!

The fact is, if you’ve been tricked into believing everything he says, (even regardless of me and this situation), you’re already a victim and you don’t even know you are!

This power of manipulation over others thoughts and actions is dangerous, its the most alarming thing about ALL of this.

We know, there have been many studies in human psychology, those with the 'psychopath condition' have significant emotional deficiencies and limitations that represent the core of their pathology.

Psychopathic individuals DO clearly understand the difference between right and wrong, however frequently they ’choose’ wrong.

The normal system that allows you to regulate behaviour and feel remorse, guilt, empathy, or compassion is not available or properly functioning for these individuals.

They are callous and lack remorse for the offensive behaviours manifested by their disordered character.

Psychopaths are 'highly pleasure driven' and often operate within the “reward system” of their brain when interacting with those that are identified as their 'target'.

In a similar manner that a person responds to an addiction actually.

Given such interactions they more often chase their desired pleasure (e.g. inappropriate business practices, pleasure from manipulating/controlling others, pleasure from seeing the pain they’ve caused to others etc).

They do this without concern or regard for the impact that their behaviour has on others and do it to get a “thrill” (and that intense rush of dopamine from seeing the results of their destructive actions).

They are not concerned that others may suffer financially due to selfish decisions to advance themselves by unscrupulous business practices.

If you are hurt by them, they consider it your fault for trusting in them in the first place (as a person that maybe in his network or working with him, watch this, you'll end up being blamed if something goes wrong).

These individuals don’t bond in the same way?in their relationships with others including relationships with their significant others; they don’t value or appreciate people or their relationships in the same way a person who is not a psychopath would.

If you’re useful to them, you may feel you have some sort of a relationship with them, but you’ll be the one fulfilling their needs (and many are great at flattery as part of manipulation and coercion to get what they want).

It’s not uncommon for psychopaths to be profiled in serial murder crimes, child/sexual abuse crimes.

I’m not suggesting that the person here has done any of the aforementioned things (although I don't know either way), I’m just explaining that it’s not uncommon for psychopaths to be profiled in these and related 'heinous' crimes.

They don’t feel guilt, they don't have the capacity for such an emotional state.

Many may ask, “how do they sleep at night knowing the awful things they have done?!”

The answer is simple – they sleep just fine, as there is no conscience … there really is no guilt!

Psychopaths lack concern for the risk they are taking and the immorality of their acts because their behaviour and interactions are often addictive and minimally responsive to fear, these individuals do not learn from prior mistakes or make changes.

Their interactions with others tend not to be positive or beneficial to the non-psychopathic individual (even if the non psychopathic individual doesn't realise it).

Many will describe feeling victimised, used, or hurt. Some will be none the wiser and not even realise they’re being manipulated or controlled because they’re so coercive!

Psychopaths have significant difficulty regulating their pleasure seeking behaviour. Self control is minimal. Therefore, if they want it, regardless of the target (eg new partner, material object, money, success, inappropriate contact with a child) they pursue it without regard for any consequences.

Many may wonder why an individual would lead a “double life” and place everything at risk repeatedly for pleasure driven impulsive or inappropriate acts?

However, when you become more familiar of a psychopath’s neurobiological profile, the reasons become apparent and clear.

This is the very reason I’ve touched upon elements of this here, they aren’t individuals that can be reasoned with and their actions (particularly against risk and harm to others) won’t really make too much sense to you.

What is interesting and it is only last year I really learned this myself, is that psychopaths, whilst enjoying being the “mayor or mayoress of their own manor” will group together if they have a common “goal”

It’s incredibly powerful for them to act as a group (they often recognise themselves in a crowd too), especially powerful if they’ve already garnered their own networks of people, which they’ve influenced or manipulated to their cause.

In my case, unfortunately, this happened here.

Out of the 5 key people involved in destroying my life for so long (this man now being the primary predator), I identify at least 3 of them as being psychopathic (2 others being female), the remaining male / female have these traits, though I'm not completely sure, I just suspect so.

Psychopaths are more often than not, dangerous - I’m aware of the traits below with this man from his serial predatory actions towards me over 10 years, (I've also noted this from others contacting me with the same stories of their encounters with him, particularly where there is a consistent crossover of behaviours):

  • Pathological Liar
  • Internet Predator
  • Stalker
  • Emotional abuser
  • Serial Manipulator
  • Bully / threatening behaviour
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Aggressive when questioned / crossed
  • Inciting aggression in others for his cause
  • Coercion / Control
  • Unable to take accountability
  • Forgery
  • Destructive
  • Sexual predator
  • Serial victim

No doubt there are some missing from the list, even after 10 years of being preyed upon by him, I don't think even I know the full extent, he's too coercive for me to be sure.

There is no conscience available to put the brakes on the behaviour of this type of individual. A psychopath simply responds to their urges impulsively and moves forward to derive gratification, while causing considerable harm to the victim in doing so.

Their range of behaviours is wide, however all have a similar foundation neurobiologically.

To further expand your knowledge of this type of individual and gain a better understanding of their character and behaviour, a great book to read is “Without Conscience” by one of the World leaders in the area of #Psychopathy, Dr. Robert Hare.

The book may clear up some of the confusion over how individuals like these can be capable of heinous acts and how as the perpetrator, they can simply return back to their previous activities as though ‘nothing’ happened.

We often wonder, how can he or she do that?

We may wonder where is the guilt or shame?

How can this person act as though nothing happened at all?

And, if you’ve been shielded from the truth about their heinous acts - their ability to continue as if innocent of it ALL can be VERY convincing.

“Without Conscience” is a great book to help clear up this dichotomy.

You aren’t dealing with an “average” person when you’re dealing with a psychopath you really need to know this.

There are in this case, grave consequences to this man’s recent actions (on top of those over the last decade).

So, whilst this poor victim makes you feel sorry for him in public, keep an eye on what happens next.

We are ALL accountable for our actions, even the most “elite” of us - (even the psychopaths), because generally psychopaths DO see themselves as 'better than you and I' they see themselves as 'clever' and 'top of the food chain.' They really don't ever feel, see or admit to being wrong about ANYTHING!


This isn’t easy, so I want to reiterate it again, if you are a victim of any type of crime(s), here is why your voice matters:

  • Speaking out is a first key step in recovering from trauma.
  • By exposing heinous acts, perpetrators who tend to attack multiple victims no longer have the benefit of hiding within the shadows.
  • The public are able to gain a better understanding of the social epidemic that plagues our communities and survivors who speak up certainly help to do that.
  • You will find that there will always be those that never understand you but there will be those that do.
  • Speaking up helps to remove the stigma and guilt victims often feel.
  • Remember, that YOU are important, your self worth is critical, it is not your fault and you deserve to love yourself.
  • You must make your perpetrator accountable, don’t let this happen to somebody else.

Keep remembering:

“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything” - Albert Einstein.

With all my love for those who are still deciding how best to deal with their traumas.

I promise, you are not alone and there are a lot of victim support groups out there where you’ll find others who share your thoughts and concerns ??

Here are a few links to UK support groups: Victim Support , Stop Hate UK , The Survivors Trust , Crimestoppers Trust

There are many more.

#speakout #victimsofcrime #psychopaths #coercion #targeting #harrassment #forgery #police #prison #accountability #suicideprevention


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