Even A Coach Needs A Coach
I’ve noticed that all the top people in business have a coach or mentor.
And, once you get to one level, those guys often upgrade to the next level up.
I’ve done this myself. My next jump is to a $30,000+ mastermind. I’m not quite ready to pull that trigger…but close.
What gets you to one level, may not get you to the next. Sometimes, you need a different set of skills or a different focus.
In fact, I just got off the phone with a business coach I was thinking about hiring. In preparation for the meeting, I ran the numbers on what I've been doing and listed out my main problems.
Well, come to find out, the numbers were much better than I thought. In the trenches of working with clients and working on my own business, it felt like a lot of work and not enough fruit. However, I was able to identify something that was working really well…but just needed more consistent execution.
I highly recommend that you take out a piece of paper and write down the numbers associated with the current problem you're having.
Maybe it’s not enough clients. Maybe it doesn’t seem like Adwords or some other marketing channel is working for you. Maybe you’re working too many hours.
Whatever it is…write down the numbers and see if facts match up with your feelings.
You may discover, it’s different than what you thought. Or, maybe it’s working better than it feels.