"Even a Blind Squirrel finds a Nut"
A few years ago I wrote the blog below and I am still baffled as to why the Realtors continue to hold "Open Houses" of any kind. I have concluded that the training in Real Estate is so next to nothing that I guess, its better than doing nothing at all. Lets face it there is "no skill" involved in holding an open house! It is a very "low rejection" activity and every now and then the agent, in spite of themselves, happens to make a sale as a result of one. This is truly the "blind squirrel effect".
On any Saturday or Sunday, on every corner you will see nicely dressed professional Realtors struggling to pull there cars over the curb or quickly crossing a busy intersection in a dress and high heels, wielding a 9 pound sledge hammer, metal sign and balloons, to prepare for the biggest waste of time in the career of a Realtor!
The typical open house is held on Saturday or Sunday from 1-4, that’s four hours of agents sitting around waiting for someone, anyone to come look at the property!
Some agents provide refreshments and a snack, and lately there has been a pick up in agents cooking meals or offering wine and cheese for the visitors or even worse "Brokers Open". There is usually a sign in book or sheet, I have even seen an app for the iPad sign in? All of this is done every weekend all over in every Real Estate market everywhere! Why??
Why do agents spend 4 hours to meet an average of two contacts that come through the house? Two contacts in four hours? And what’s worse these contacts are typically never pre qualified, or they are just nosey neighbors!
The average agent never asks any qualifying questions of the contacts! A qualifying question would be “Which lender have you been pre-qualified with? Or “Which home in the area do you own? Or how about “I’m sorry I have promised the sellers that only pre qualified ready,willing and able buyers will be allowed in the home, let’s get my lender on the phone” No the agents just give a flyer and let them look around! Not knowing who in the world these people are?!
I don’t mean to sound cruel and certainly don’t mean to upset anyone but there are more productive things to do with you time than hold an open house, so why do agents do them? Here are some of the reasons:
1 Agents don’t communicate with their sellers, sellers get upset, agent does open house out of obligation.
2 Agents have been trained by traditional companies that this actually works.
3 Agents don’t have any sales skills they don’t know what else to do.
4 Agents feel they are actually working sitting an open house.
5 Agent doesn’t track where their business comes from.
6 Agent has sold a home or heard one sold from an open house.
7 Seller insists on an open house.
8 Agent does not want to make sales calls or door knock.
9 Agent is desperate to find any client.
10 Agents ego is so big they have to pass out their picture and make like their busy.
All in all the stats tracked on open houses for years have been the same: Less than one percent of homes sales originate from an open house!
We know what sells homes at The Associates Realty Group and we train our agents to spend their time in those activities!
Ron Poindexter 505 280 2487
Branch Manager at Guaranteed Rate, NMLS #195285
7 年Very interesting . I'd like to learn about your training program for agents. It seems most agents and loan officers have very few tools that they utilize to gain more prospects and most companies do not train their agents/loan officers.
Celebrate what you've accomplished,but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.
7 年Very True.