Even After Defeat, Google's "Neutral" Algorithms Cannot Let Go
It was a great day for survivors of human trafficking with the passage of a clean FOSTA-SESTA bill in the US Senate. Once signed by the President, survivors and state and local law enforcement will have the legal tools to hold websites accountable that are knowingly facilitating human trafficking. Sen. Wyden's amendment that would have killed the bill was defeated (crushed) and he withdrew his other amendment knowing that it would suffer the same fate.
The anti-human trafficking and survivor groups were able to pass this legislation against incredible odds. It is truly a David vs Goliath legislative victory. To beat big tech and the millions they spent to defeat this legislation with just hard work, determination, and virtually no resources is truly amazing. The House Vote was 388-25 and the Senate vote 97-2. The scare tactic of crying SOPA is dead.
Yet, if you do a Google search all you find at the top of the search results are negative stories on the House Senate passage of the bill. You do not see the unbiased New York Times story, Politico, and the other dozens positive stories. This is what scares me about the power of Google. There is a lot of talk about fake news, but the real threat to democracy is biased news delivery by the a company that controls 90% of the search market around the world. Google says that the algorithms are unbiased, yet when you search for FOSTA, Net Neutrality, or other Google and tech policy priorities the search results mirror the policy views being promoted by Google.
We should all be worried about this power. There may be multiple news outlets, but when those news outlets are crushed by the power of search you are left with only one voice. There is the old question, if a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound? The answer, only if Google wants the sound to be heard.
Google Search Results for FOSTA 3/22/2018
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