The Eve of the Eve of the Nativity
Many wonderful and extraordinary things will happen in the next couple of days. In a small town of no great importance, a husband and wife will have trouble finding a place to spend the night. And the wife is likely to give birth to her child at any moment.
Our salvation will soon take his first breaths. Angels will be proclaiming and rejoicing to shepherds in the fields. There will be no reporters, camera men or influencers with their iPhones. It will be a private and intimate moment that changes all universal history. ?Rejoice with gladness, comfort and Joy!
Dear Benefactors, Supporters, Friends, and Retreatants,
Merry Christmas! I want to thank you for your loyal support both spiritually and financially. 2024 has brought many triumphs and many challenges. We brought ten first time retreat groups into Our Lady of Florida. They were comprised of domestic and international Catholic ministries, Catholic school ministries, young adult Catholic groups, a monthly Catholic networking club and two new Recovery groups.
Our schedule for the next 5 months is booked solid. We are expecting approximately three thousand retreatants to come and experience the sacred hospitality that exists here at OLOF. These guests will be building their faith, fellowship, and confidence in communion with Christ in this special place. Praise God!
“For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:11-12
??May the Blessings of our Lord, Jesus Christ be with you and your family this Christmas!
The Dedicated Staff, Deacon Jim Parrilli & the Passionists of Our Lady of Florida
Program Director
2 个月Beautiful reflection! Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to the OLOF staff, who work tremendously well to bring Christ to others in all that they do!