Eva’s Byte #509 – Distractions
Setting aside noble obligations which tend to pack a punch with stress and anxiety, distractions also interfere with a writer’s daily output. Generically speaking, housework and grocery shopping.
Despite being away from my computer for the aforementioned, or any other distraction, my writer’s mind is still at work turning phrases and channeling ideas.
From my perspective, distractions are beneficial for recharging and for gaining new insights. Recalling the typewriter scene in The Shining: ?“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.
In the capacity of a writer plotting along my Contemporary work in progress, I’m drafting chapter 9 (1160 words thus far).
*May each of us embrace life’s mundane and pleasant distractions as food for thought.
?My sincere appreciation to you for reading this far.
?Eva’s Authors Den Page: https://www.authorsden.com/evapasco
?Eva Pasco’s Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/evapasco