Eva’s Byte #391 – Candy Corn Controversy
Flavored upon or scorned?
Regardless of palette preferences, the National Confectioners Association has declared October 30, the day before Halloween, “National Candy Corn Day”.
Invented in the 1880s by George Renninger, a Wunderele Candy Company employee, the candy’s original name was “Chicken Feed”.
I hope he earned more than chicken feed for the confection which developed into an autumn and Halloween staple in the 1950s. That’s when folks began handing out mini, Halloween-themed, paper goodie bags with candy inside to trick-or-treaters. I remember my mom scattered a handful of feed on top of the candy bars she put inside before twisting each bag closed.
I’m on the “scorn” side of the candy corn controversy.
Come on! One of the ingredients besides sugar, corn syrup, artificial coloring and binders is carnauba wax.?This high-grade wax is used for imparting a premium shine on a vehicle’s paint job.
To each their own shine.
In the capacity of a writer, I’m nearing the finish line for drafting chapter 21 (1106 words thus far) of my Contemporary work in progress.
*May candy sweeten the bitter jolts in life.
My sincere appreciation to you for reading this far.
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