Eva’s Byte #362 – At Last
I found a dream, that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
(“At Last” by Etta James – Released: 1960)
?At this point in time I received an email from Carl Hoffman, the founder and webmaster of The Sixties Official Site, now celebrating 16 years on the web. He wrote to let me know there was a dedication to me on April’s Soundtrack of the 60s with Neal Stevens. Sure enough, the dedication accompanied the same song I’d requested, probably ten years ago, when Carl asked for the members to contribute the title of their favorite song for a Neal Stevens soundtrack composite.
“At Last” by Etta James…
From the Prologue of my nonfiction memoir collection, 100 Wild Mushrooms: Memoirs of the ‘60s, which bespeaks of one dream I can call my own:
A newly published author in 2008, I prioritized increasing my visibility, while adding to my credibility, by binge-writing my way out of obscurity. Having grown up during the Sixties, I drew upon those experiences to write my first memoir, “A Mini Tribute to Twiggy,” and submitted it for publication at The Sixties Official Site. When the webmaster graciously invited me to write more, and offered to set up my own page there, I eagerly accepted and turned out a memoir every week for approximately two years, contributing 100 in total…
In the here and now, I still cherish the honor of being an integral part of the “Baby Boomer’s Top Choice Sixties Website” via a page where my Retro ‘60s Flashbacks continue to flash.
?*May the fruition of our dreams lead to fulfillment.
My sincere appreciation if you’ve read this far.
?Eva’s Authors Den Page: https://tinyurl.com/yycm7d2w
Eva Pasco’s Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/evapasco