Eva’s Byte #303 – Oddities
Inquiring minds never cease in their hunger to acquire more information. In my case, the buck doesn’t stop there. I also enjoy acquiring oddities. Perchance you do too.
Under the influence of my own predilections, peccadilloes, and preferences, I collect them on a need-to-acquire basis.
A jackalope is one such oddity which piqued the curiosity of my inquiring mind. Having stumbled upon the “existence” of a jackrabbit with antelope horns in a short story based on travels along Route 66, I wanted one. Hence, I hunted online for this souvenir and nabbed a critter at Wall Drug Store, a roadside attraction itself, established 1931 in South Dakota.
I’m glad I did because the furry black one I acquired appears to be an endangered species. Instead, I espied a poly resin jackalope statue for $4.99, and a head mount jackalope for $199.00 which sold out, mind you.
In my capacity of a writer, the latest oddity in a string of many I’ve researched for my Contemporary work in progress, is that of the Colt Python 1969 firearm model. Consequently, I reached the butt end of drafting Chapter 66 in Part 3, arriving at 1,156 words.
*May each of us embrace our traits of oddness which foster imagination and creativity.
My sincere appreciation if you’ve read this far.
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