Evaluations Metrics

Evaluations Metrics

You have done all data cleaning, applied different EDA and feature engineering techniques, and used a different model to train, but how to decide if the model is doing good or bad. That’s where different evaluation metrics come into the picture. Selecting an appropriate evaluation metric is important because it can impact your selection of a model or decide whether to put your model into production. Let's see the below 2 examples,

  1. For a classification problem, your dataset has 99% of the False case(Unbalanced data). Even if you write simply return False, then also you will get 99% accuracy.
  2. For a regression problem, your dataset expects data points to have outliers, if you select Mean Square Error, your errors will be exaggerated. But if you opt for Mean Absolute Error it won't shoot up the error for outliers.

Evaluation metrics for Classification

In this post, I will be focussing on Evaluation metrics for Classification, in the upcoming post I will add details on Regression evaluation metrics.

For understanding Classification evaluation metrics, let’s first understand the confusion metric,

Confusion Metric:

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  • It is a tabular format of data used to visualize the performance of classification problems.
  • It is also known as Error Matrix and is used for Supervised Classification algorithms typically for Binary-Classification algorithms, though it can be used for any classification algorithm.
  • It compares how your prediction has fared in comparison to actual values.

We will take the Youtube Kids example, where you are trying to classify whether a video is Kids safe or not. Whether it is fine to watch a particular video or not.

Confusion Matrix has 4 values,

True Positive:

  • The model has predicted a positive, and the actual value is also positive.
  • A video is predicted as Kidsafe and actually, it's Kidsafe.

True Negative:

  • The model has predicted a negative, and the actual value is also negative.
  • A Video is predicted as not Kidsafe, and in reality, it's not Kidsafe.

False Positive:

  • The model has predicted a positive, but the actual value is negative.
  • They are also known as Type I error.
  • A video is predicted to be Kidsafe but in reality, it's not Kidsafe. It may be violent, or it has adult content which is not good for Kids.

False Negative:

  • The model has predicted a negative, but the actual value is positive.
  • They are also known as Type II error.
  • A video is predicted as not Kidsafe but in reality, it's Kidsafe. It may be a cartoon, but still, it is marked as violent.

Now let's try to understand different evaluation metrics,

1. Accuracy:

  • Accuracy represents the number of correctly classified data instances over the total number of data instances.
  • If data is not balanced, it will not be a good evaluation metric, as Accuracy will be biased for classes with a higher number of counts. We can opt for Precision or Recall

Accuracy = (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN)

2. Precision:

  • How many of the correctly predicted cases actually turned out to be positive.
  • It is useful when a False Positive is a major concern than a False Negative.
  • Precision should be as high as possible.

Precision = TP / (TP + FP)

3. Recall:

  • also known as Sensitivity or True Positive Rate
  • How many of the actual positive cases were able to predict correctly with our model
  • It is more useful when a False Negative is a major concern than a False Positive.
  • Recall should be as high as possible.

Recall= TP / (TP + FN)

4. F1 Score:

  • It is the harmonic mean of Precision and Recall.

F1 Score = ( 2 * Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall)

5. Specificity:

  • How many of the actual negative cases were able to predict correctly with our model.

Specificity = TN / (TN + FP)

One last point,

Precision-Recall Tradeoff:?It is expected to have both Precision and Recall high percentage. But if you go for Higher Precision, your Recall lowers, and vice versa. Ex. For Youtube Kidsafe False Positive is a concern, we don’t want Kids to see Violent videos, but it may cause missing some Kidsafe videos like cartoons.

Evaluation metrics for Regression

1. Mean Absolute Error(MAE)

  • Mean Absolute Error is the sum of the predicted values minus the true values divided by the number of predicted values.
  • This evaluation metric is very helpful if you expect outliers in your dataset.

2. Mean Squared Error(MSE)

  • Mean Squared Error is the sum of the square of the difference between predicted values & the true values divided by the number of predicted values.
  • You shouldn't use this evaluation metric if you expect outliers in your dataset, because it penalizes errors greatly.

3. Root Mean Squared Error(RMSE)

  • Root Mean Squared Error is the root of the sum of the square of the difference between predicted values & the true values divided by the number of predicted values.
  • This evaluation metric is very helpful if you expect outliers in your dataset.
  • If the dataset has a higher number of outliers, RMSE becomes larger than MAE.

4. R squared

  • R-Squared is a statistical measure presenting the proportion of the variance for a dependent variable that is explained by one or more independent variables in a regression model.
  • R-Squared is the one minus sum of squares of residual divided by the total sum of squares.

R-squared =1 — (sum of squares of residual)/ (total sum of squares)

  • R-Squared is used to find the goodness of the best fit line.
  • The problem with R-Squared is, that it never decreases even if we add a new redundant variable. R-Squared value either stays the same or increases.

5. Adjusted R-Squared

  • Adjusted R-Squared solves the above problem by adding a number of the independent variables (k) in the denominator.
  • The formula of the Adjusted R-Squared is,

Adjusted R-Squared = 1 — ((1- R-Squared)(n-1)/(n-k-1))

where n = number of data points in the dataset

k = number of independent variables

Evaluation metrics for Unsupervised — Clustering

1. Rand Index or Rand measure

  • The Rand Index computes a similarity measure between two clusters by considering all pairs of samples and counting pairs assigned in the same or different clusters in the predicted and actual clusterings.
  • The formula of the Rand Index is:

RI = (Number of agreeing pairs) / (Total number of pairs)

  • The RI can range from zero to 1, a perfect match. You can compare Rand Index to Accuracy in Supervised Binary Classification. Check the below calculations,
  • The Rand Index drawback is that it assumes that we can find the ground-truth cluster labels and use them to compare the performance of our model, so it is much less helpful for pure Unsupervised Learning tasks.

2. Adjusted Rand Index

  • The adjusted Rand index is the corrected-for-chance version of the Rand index.
  • The raw RI score is then “adjusted for chance” into the ARI score using the following scheme:

ARI = (Rand Index — Expected_RI) / (max(RI) — Expected_RI)

  • The adjusted Rand Index is thus ensured to have a value close to 0.0 for random labeling independently of the number of clusters and samples and exactly 1.0 when the clusterings are identical.
  • The adjusted Rand Index can yield negative values if the index is less than the expected index.


