Anita is a nubile village lass of her yearly fifteen of age. She enjoy her bliss out of nature’s endowment with an inexhaustible energy and energize many for her mellifluous vibes. Always prattling with others and running here and there with her friend and associate of her contemporary age. Sometimes engaging herself by plucking flowers from others garden and stealing fruits by climbing herself to the trees with sheer delight which gives revelation of her pure and holy frame of mind. Her vibes reverberate in the vicinity she is living, inducing many to live with pleasure and sprightly gesture. Her parents are having very little property and they are forced to work on other land as an agrarian labor to simply eke out. Anita is the youngest of the four children her parents have and rest all are pretty senior then her. All of them are married. Anita’s mother is only concern of her marriage and expressed her desire about how she could arrange her marriage at the earliest, as she seems to be untamed to her and expresses her worries to her neighborhood about how she can send her comfortably to her in-laws house. However, her father used to indulge her with adulation as being his youngest daughter and wanted her to remain with him as long he can afford to retain her and he used to act as a shield to protect her from her mother’s rebuke.

However, in due course of time, her mother along with her relatives and neighbors planned to arrange her nuptial accordingly out of their relatives proposition, they arranged her marriage with a boy who is barely nineteen years of age and settled their surroundings only for few months and working as a labor in their neighbor’s land. He is claiming as an orphan, who lost his parents at the very early stage of life and naturally draws generosity from the people in and around the place. His name is Arabindo. Anita’s parents thought if he could be persuaded as their son-in-law, then he will be remaining with them through and through and surely loving their daughter with intense passion rest of her life. Arabindo is a good looking chap with a delectable presentation, influencing many that he is from a well to do family with an elegant background and his fate might land him to such unfavorable condition. His parents and others relatives and neighbors felt affection for him and their marriage virtually concluded. After marriage they started to enjoy a conjugal life of harmony and peace. Their parents too elated for their well beings. Taking advantage of Anita’s parents fervor Arobindo started to behave as an ignorant one with an holy approach and impressed Anita’s parents and relatives a lot. But, staying idle in the house and expressing apathy towards hard work initially Anita’s parents considered as their in-laws intention to be attached more intensely with their daughter triggering him to express apathy for work as an integral part of the whole family of Anita and they too satisfied for his revealing trait. They are dedicated to their hard labor with a hope to bring happiness to their newly wedded bridegroom. Anita’s family are showering their utmost fervor for the couple and their well being and hoping that their efforts and endeavors will only yield prosperity to their family. Thus, Anita and Arobindo are enjoying the cordiality of the family they are incorporated with.

One fine morning, suddenly Anita took notice that her husband writing a letter to his mother, expressing his concern and and promising to get back to her domain at the earliest, where he can only recluse and find his soul’s comfort. Anita, with her little knowledge of letters capable to decipher her husband’s vile intension and she expressed her vexation towards him. He brazenly ignored her anger and tried to prove she is ignorant and immediately scrapped the letter he wrote, just to nullify her honest claim futile. Arobindo’s nefarious ploy being deciphered by his wife which made him more vile and arrogant. He started to beat her mercilessly in order to prove she is not enough servile to her husband. Afterwards, he persuaded her that he is a craftsman and having the adeptness to make furniture from wood and if he can be assisted financially by her parents then he can make his craftwork and sell in the local market to earn adequate profit to enjoy a decent livelihood with his new enterprise. Poor Anita took his words at face value and perused her parents to assist Arobindo with financial aid which may fetch happiness for the couple. Out of Anita’s request and earnest appeal, her parents provided Arobindo with five thousand rupees, expecting he will ensure peace and prosperity to their daughter as well her husband.

After acquiring the money, one fine morning Arobindo fled. Anita’s parents initially could not realize his evil intention as the villagers are usually simple and devoid of any complex frame of mind, unlike city inhabitants who are just focused their self centered complicated life style with a deceptive protocol to rob the opportunity of the ignorant and holy mindset of village folks. However, they tried every possible means to trace him, but with no avail. Meanwhile, Anita came to know that she is pregnant and her parents after knowing her state of health did not take any initiative to terminate the pregnancy as the local quack, which the villagers are forced to seek assistance owing to their poverty to afford a medical expert advised them that it is too late for her health condition. Eventually she gave birth of a girl and engaged herself to nurture her out of her own ability with lack of adequate maturity. After few years, she started to dream of ensuring her healthy upbringing and accordingly migrated to the city and stated to work initially as a domestic help to earn with an aspiration to make her girl educated and self reliant. Her hardships eventually enabled her daughter to complete her school education with decent grades and even completed her college education honorably. Afterwards, she started to work in a private enterprise and fallen in love with a boy whom she decided to marry. When she divulged it to her mother Anita, initially she felt little sceptic as she possess a nightmarish experience regarding marriage. But, in a passage of time she nodded to her girl’s decision and arranged all necessary formalities as well financial support with her little saving in exchange of her toil and tears. But, Anita later became too happy by observing her daughter’s happy conjugal life. Her daughter too elated by noticing the color of happiness radiating from her mother’s face. Her daughter, Sumita felt very relaxed and happy, moment she showers her mother with the gifts which only bear the testimony of a daughter’s affection for her mother who single handedly groom her with affection and utmost care. In their wedding anniversary her daughter gifted Anita a smart phone and opened a facebook account along with other social media accounts so that her mother can enjoy her time happily moment she may have leisure time. Her loneliness could be wither away and by video calls she can interact with other family members too. Anita gradually became conversant with the device and became almost addicted to it. It is the technology’s inherent strength which made Anita too educated and surprisingly she can send sms too. She even developed friendship with numerous friend and her engagement with social networking site perhaps gradually making her pretty unsocial. She always loved to be hooked with her smart phone and could not realize how?device has literally changed her. She developed a friendship with a man little more than the age of her and became familiar to even do chat with her. Gradually their interactions became intense and she even fallen in love with him. Initially she thought that at the age of forty and after having son-in-law, it is not wise to be having any affair and she maintained it secretly. But, later she indulged to fan her passion by resorting to an alibi that why she should repudiate her own desire and happiness. She has done her duty by upbringing her daughter and made her well settled and now she must give space to her own desire and interests. She made a firm resolution and beyond virtual world she dragged her relationship to reality. She interacted with the man of her choice physically secretly. After number of times they met and the man promised her with a life of happiness of conjugal life by marrying her and settling with her rest of his life, she believed him blindfolded. This time Anita’s intuition betrayed her and being allured by his false promise she one day suddenly eloped with him. There was no trace of both of them too. Her face book account became inoperative. Her daughter, Sumita along with her husband and other relatives tried their level best to fetch her, but with no avail. They lodged missing complaint to the police station, but police persuaded them that they too are trying their best to fetch her and moment they may collect any information they will inform Sunita. Days gone, month gone, years gone, but there is no information or any trace of Anita. She just disappeared as if she was never existed. It is truly a matter of wonder, whether technology and internet is a boon or bane. The virtual world not only robbing ones virtual entity, but also physical entity. The number of cyber crimes are increasing with rocketing pace. Myriad of people are losing money, wealth and even their dear and near one too, not virtually but really and even physically! After may years the news being floated in the area where Anita used to live, that she had been fallen in a trap of a human trafficker and eventually being harbored in a brothel far away from the placed she was once lost. She never emerged in the horizon of her only daughter’s spectrum which became black perpetually. Web could be how much dark is beyond capacity for many to fathom. By virtue of technology and internet where we are actually heading for? Humanity is being eclipsed with hoodwinking design being framed in an alluring fashion and duping many, whether in the form of games or other means. Whether it is Anita or many aged peoples saving on their account or hard earn money of any sincere fellow, wink of an eye they all are lost, just perpetually lost! Whether it is block chain or any other means of internet, obviously lucrative to few, but disaster to myriad and this all will remain as top secret and even we are heading for a currency which too maintain such secret and we are largely eulogizing this technology which only paving the burial ground for many without any epitaph, and no trace will be there in the web too!


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