Evaluation of Open-Source Ventilators
Public Invention
Redefine what it means to innovate for humanitarian engineering Instead of reserving inventions for patents and profits.
Since March 15th,2020 Public Invention answered a public call to address the expected life-threatening shortfall of ventilators in the USA and around the world. By volunteering at EndCoronaVirus.org,? Robert Read volunteered for Public Invention full time and most people have jobs, He quickly became a?de facto?leader of the Ventilators effort. After starting a?covid19-vent-list repo?to collect projects and resources, Public Invention volunteers Keeshan Patel , and Nariman Poushin wrote “Analysis of Open Source COVID-19 Pandemic Ventilator Projects“, which has now been viewed 10K times.
Public Invention volunteered constructed and currently maintains a?massive spreadsheet?Evaluation of open-source ventilators projects and modules. Although most of these projects are not ready to be manufactured, we anticipate some of the will be soon. This will create a problem; these machines are life-critical and should be tested extensively and evaluated by teams other than the inventors. Public Invention created a?testing strategy (scroll down to see)?and?the machine?for that purpose.
However, more important may be managing a match-making task: shipping prototype ventilators to teams to test, and shipping test equipment to teams building ventilators. We propose to accept requests and manage that process, and raise money to support the shipping and purchase of test equipment. Although this project is just starting (the pandemic is making all of us rush), a?donation?now would be appreciated.