Evaluate Your Life Day
Photo from Pixabay. The rest is by me

Evaluate Your Life Day

Today is 19th October which is Evaluate Your Life Day. And October is also Black Cat Awareness Month, hence my choice of image.

And if nobody has told you that yet today let me be first: You are fucking awesome.

A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere. - Groucho Marx

So where are you going? With your life. Career. Current project. Relationships. Hobbies.

Evaluate the people in your life; then promote, demote or terminate. You're the CEO of your life. Also look at your daily routines. What do you fill your days with? You get good at what you repeatedly do.

Don’t keep allowing the same things to upset you. Life’s too short to live that way. – Joel Osteen

In my experience it is almost impossible to change something in your life if you are unwell. First focus on getting well. Heal. Rest. Go for walks in the forest. Whatever. Just refill yourself. Get stronger. Then go change the world.

Beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity.

Somtimes we need to talk about what is bothering us, what is annoying or hurtful. But whatever you send out will come back. So remember to also talk about what you love, enjoy, inspire and impress. Share. Smile.

No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always become a better version of yourself. – Madonna

Personally I have a strong belief in finding your passion and then doing that. A lot. Don't give up on your passion. It is difficult to wait, but much harder to live with regret.

My instagram accound Daftness Design is all about celebrating what I am passionate about. Go take a look!

But more important. Find your passion. Follow your passion. Dont just consume, watch and follow. Use your energy to create, make, grow, tinker and try new things.


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