Evaluate your Investment.
Everything around you is a tool for greater success if you choose to allow it.?You may live your life as if everything is conspiring against you or you may entrust that all exists to support you on your journey of interest.?You may spend your time evaluating the evidence that suggests one is truer than the other or you may simply decide on the belief that best serves you.?
It is important for you to invest your time and energy in a way that is going to provide you with the greatest possible return. You are a conduit. Your investments are determined by your choices--consciously and unconsciously. Your return is, in essence, your life experience. Every time you invest your energy on the past or on worry or speculation of the future, you are in danger of depleting your energetic supply.
How can you be certain that you are investing wisely? Your emotional and physical?health?is the most immediate (and accurate) gauge of your investment return. If you are feeling fearful, angry, unhappy, depressed, exhausted or ill, you are not investing wisely. Anything less than "bliss" is a sign that you may invest more effectively. Take some time today to evaluate your investments of energy. Where are you still attached to unhealthy investments? What are some ways that you might invest even more effectively?
Success or sabotage??How can yesterday's experiences serve you today?
Is this going to be an incredible day??If you truly believed that everybody and everything contributed to your prosperity, how could it be anything less than incredible?