EU's Risk-based AI Regulation
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EU's Risk-based AI Regulation

The European Union (EU) is leading the way in creating laws to manage artificial intelligence (AI), a type of computer technology that can think and learn like humans. They're working on a new law called the AI Act, which is all about managing the risks of AI.


Imagine AI as a ladder of risk:


1. Top rung - Unacceptable risk: Some AI systems are too dangerous and are not allowed. These are systems that could harm people's rights, freedoms, or safety.


2. Second rung - High risk: Some AI systems can cause a lot of harm. These systems have to follow strict rules and checks to make sure they're safe.


3. Third rung - Limited risk: Some AI systems can cause a little harm. These systems have to follow some rules, like giving information to users and being designed to minimize harm.


4. Bottom rung - Minimal or no risk: Some AI systems are safe and don't need any special rules.


This "risk ladder" approach is a big step in managing AI. It gives clear rules for people who make and use AI systems, and it helps protect everyone from the dangers of AI. Other countries can look at the AI Act as a model for their own AI laws.


The "risk ladder" approach has some big benefits:


1. It's fair: Systems that are less risky don't have to follow as many rules, which helps avoid too much regulation that can slow down new ideas and inventions.


2. It's flexible: The rules can be adjusted for different types of AI systems, which is important because AI is a complex and fast-changing field.


3. It's clear: People who make and use AI systems know what they need to do, which helps them follow the rules.


But the "risk ladder" approach also has some challenges:


1. Risk is hard to measure: It can be tough to figure out how risky an AI system is because the dangers can be complex and hard to predict.


2. It can be costly: Following all the rules can be complicated and expensive for people who make and use AI systems.


3. Enforcement is tough: It can be hard to find and punish people who break the rules of the AI Act.


The AI Act's "risk ladder" approach is a big step in managing AI. It gives clear rules and helps protect everyone from the dangers of AI. But there are also challenges, like measuring risk and enforcing the rules, that need to be solved for this approach to work well.

Some examples of high-risk AI as per EU’s discussions

  1. Critical infrastructure where the AI system could put people’s life and health at risk


  1. Educational and vocational settings where the AI system could determine access to education or professional training


  1. Employment, worker management and self-employment


  1. Essential private and public services, including access to financial services such as credit scoring systems


  1. Law enforcement



Note: The images used in this article have been generated with AI. The article has been corrected using AI.


