Eurozone - Experts Can Explain What The Crisis Means To Your Business
Dave Daniel
Corporate Speaker Agent to Bruce Dickinson and others at DPD Consultancy and Speakers Associates Ltd. Working with clients to provide the right speaker for their audience, objectives, and budget.
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal: The European crisis has been rumbling on for a while now, and has now come to a head with the Greek debt emergency. With emotions running high, hear from the experts on both sides of the fence and what the future means to business with a yes or no vote in the UK referendum, and the current Greek situation
Alan Johnson, the former Labour cabinet minister, has agreed to head the Labour yes campaign during the referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union. He says there is only one person in the UK that wants a yes vote more than him, and that is Prime Minister David Cameron. “The focus has to be on growth and jobs and the terrible damage it would do to the UK economy if we withdrew" he says. He believes that Britain’s interests are best served by remaining at the heart of the EU, providing British businesses with access to a market of 500 million consumers. With almost half of the country’s exports going to other EU countries, the economic benefits of staying in the EU are clear, he says
Nigel Farage, the controversial figure of UK politics, told Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to take “courage” and quit the euro after the latest emergency bailout talks broke down. “Get back your democracy, get back control of your country, give your people the leadership and the hope that they crave. “The European project is actually beginning to die,” he added. Even European Commission vice-president Frans Timmermans, the second most powerful man in Brussels, admits the Ukip leader is right on EU's failings, and Mr Farage is ready to lead the No Campaign in the UK's Referendum
One of Europe's leading political and current affairs journalists, Andrew has interviewed all ,the major players on both sides of the aisle, and will be able to give an unbalanced view on the political fall out of either a yes or no vote
Renowned Economist and Expert on Finance, Sir Howard was Deputy Governor of the Bank of England and Director of The London School of Economics and Political Science from 2003 until May 2011. Prior to this appointment he was Chairman of the UK Financial Services Authority. Perfectly positioned to give the financial implications of a yes/no vote, Sir Howard will give a balanced view of what it will mean to the city of London and its implications
So, what would “Brexit” - a British exit from the 28-nation EU - look like? Eurosceptics argue that withdrawal would reverse immigration, save the taxpayer billions and free Britain from an economic burden. Europhiles counter that it would lead to deep economic uncertainty and cost thousands, possibly even millions, of jobs.
For informed opinions that can help your company understand the impact and implications, whichever way the wind ends up blowing, these experts and many others represented by CSA - Celebrity Speakers, will give you the answers your business needs