European travelling
Claudia Ricci
Powering multilingual communications; Exclusive member of Calliope-Interpreters in Italy; Owner of Aprimondo
Today I am crossing Germany by train, travelling from Calliope Interpreters ' Annual Assembly in Berlin to my next European Parliament assignment in Strasbourg.?
Friends and colleagues, including back at home, were rather surprised that I would prefer a six-and-a-half train ride to a flight, but even if there was a direct flight (there isn’t), everything considered it would only take 1-2 hours less.
Actually, I have been travelling to Strasbourg by train for two years now, even from my Rimini domicile. It doesn’t take me longer than a train to Bologna, a shuttle from the station to the airport, arriving a couple of hours earlier, taking my first flight and then either run an airport marathon or wait a long time to catch my connection, and then finally getting another train from Strasbourg airport to the station.?
Since January 2022 I have been taking 4 trains, smoothly changing in Bologna, Milan and Basel. I could make it with three trains, but I prefer to have a longer connection in Milan.
Travelling by train is easier, and I also like the environmental sustainability aspect, which I try to reinforce by avoiding single-use material once on board. I have my thermos-cup for a cold drink in the summer and a hot tea in winter, my bamboo cup which in this case I am using to carry an apple, and my #AIIC #PRIMS thermos bottle for water. I also carry my own cutlery, and if you know me, you also know I really carry these items with me all the time.
These are only small gestures, I do not expect to save the Earth alone, but it doesn’t cost me any effort and it is a step in the right direction.?
What tips can you share on small things we can all do to help keep the planet a nice place?
Deine Strategin für richtungsweisende internationale Events | Dein Booster für langfristige Beziehungen zu ausl?ndischen Partnern | Content Creator mit einem grünen Herz | Pilatestrainerin
1 年Grazie per queste riflessioni, Claudia! Anche io preferisco il treno per i motivi già indicati dalle colleghe, oltre che per quelli ecologici. In treno (se non ci sono troppi disguidi da affrontare) riesco a lavorare indisturbata per ore, cosa pressoché impossibile durante un viaggio in aereo.
Conference Interpreter IT / EN /FR / HR AIIC member
1 年I do the same, travelling from Brussels to Italy ( Siena) for the holidays by train - though I have to admit it was quite of a challenge lately since my usual connection from Paris to Turin/ Milan was interrupted so I opted for the same solution you took, I think ( Basel - Milan ). It’s a long trip but with the right equipment ( I also bring my own cutlery/ thumbler and food), and a bit of company ( books and music) it’s actually enjoyable. It’s also a nice opportunity to see different places, and be stunned by amazing views ( watching the sun set on the alps). Btw I also bring an extra bag to recycle any waste I might have, since unfortunately not all the trains have that type of sorting system. ??
Freelance Photographer and Social Media Manager
1 年Che bello sapere di avere compagnia nel preferire il viaggio in treno! Nell'estate del 2022 io e il mio compagno abbiamo fatto le vacanze così, partendo da Milano e visitando queste città, tutte facilmente raggiungibili con il treno: Zurigo, Monaco di Baviera, Berlino, Francoforte sul Meno e Berna. L'anno scorso ho scelto di nuovo il treno per partecipare come fotografa/invitata al matrimonio di una mia amica a Bonn: questa volta tappa a Basilea e poi dritti fino a Bonn. Mi piace un sacco come alternativa all'aereo e a qualsiasi altro mezzo, anche il bus: ci si può appisolare, si può giocare a carte con gli amici, si può leggere, si può mangiare, si può ammirare il paesaggio che cambia, ci si può sgranchire le gambe senza disturbare nessuno e senza fermare il viaggio... vorrei tanto che rimettessero più treni per esplorare i Paesi europei e per viaggiare di notte.
Conference Interpreter
1 年I completely agree with the beauty and serenity of traveling by train. People thought I was crazy too when I traveled to the Prims Conference in Lecce from Bologna. It was almost 8 hours! I used the time to prepare for the conference and enjoyed almost three hour of the most beautiful views of the sea. Plus airports are so stressful and they treat you like cattle ugh!
Conference Interpreter, AIIC pre-candidate ? Italian ? English, Portuguese, Chinese ? Event Consultant ? Translator ? I deliver results, not words ??
1 年Big fan of train travel here. Aside from the reduced environmental impact, you can often sneak in a couple of hours of work much more conveniently than you would normally get on a flight. Plus, as you said, it often takes the same amount of time - if not less - to get to the airport, go through security, etc. As for other tips for being more environmentally conscious, I never print out any assignment materials or tickets and stick to my tablet for note-taking.