European railway market on the rise
The global rail market will grow by almost 20 per cent in the next five years - along with the Asia-Pacific region, Europe is one of the biggest drivers of this development.?
Investments in the European rail network have increased in recent years, especially in Western Europe: on average, 4.1 percent more was invested in infrastructure and rail control in 2021 and 2022 than in previous years. This is a trend that must continue in the coming years - the national rail networks have partly reached their load limit. Especially in Europe's largest railway country, Germany, there has been an investment backlog for years.?
In the fight against climate change, Europe is focusing above all on rail transport and wants to get more goods and passengers on the rails. In addition to modernising and expanding the existing networks, the #europeanunion is also focusing on the nationwide introduction of the "European Rail Traffic Management System" (ERTMS). By equipping a national network with #ERTMS , it becomes accessible to every train equipped with this system. Transnational rail traffic will thus become more low-threshold and a uniform European railway area will be made possible.?
The decision to introduce ERTMS as a standard has been fuelling the market for rolling stock and signalling technology in Europe for several years. The infrastructure and engineering market is also growing much faster as a result.?
While the European market has held some opportunities in recent years and will continue to do so in the future, the globally accessible market dropped from 63 to 61 per cent from 2018 to 2022.?
As a countermove to this development, the European Commission is pushing for a liberalisation of Europe's national rail networks, which will also open up new markets for European companies. Rail customers will also benefit from this, as competition between the individual transport operators will intensify in the long term and costs for end customers will fall.?
The European rail market is multi-faceted and complex. Nevertheless, our studies on the topics of "Rolling Stock", "Infrastrcuture" or "Rail Track Market" provide a good overview.?