European Day of Languages: Celebrating and Promoting Multilingualism in Europe

European Day of Languages: Celebrating and Promoting Multilingualism in Europe

The Speexx Global Newsletter offers HR and L&D professionals?around the globe a wealth of news, interesting articles, and content on the latest trends in HR and corporate business in English, Spanish, French, German, and Italian.

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European Day of Languages: Celebrating and Promoting Multilingualism in Europe

Discover the importance of language learning, the most effective methods, and key motivation tips on the European Day of Languages.

Read more on the English Speexx blog.

Comment le coaching peut faire la différence dans un monde BANI

Comment le coaching peut faire la différence dans un monde BANI

Cet article explore les conséquences d'un monde BANI et met en lumière comment des programmes de coaching professionnels ciblés peuvent non seulement atténuer ses effets, mais aussi renforcer la résilience organisationnelle.

En savoir davantage sur le blog fran?ais de Speexx.

Kompetenzen im Umgang mit KundInnen: Die glorreichen Sieben

Kompetenzen im Umgang mit KundInnen: Die glorreichen Sieben

Kundenkontakt ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Arbeit in vielen Unternehmen. Finden Sie heraus, welche F?higkeiten Ihnen dabei helfen k?nnen.

Lesen Sie mehr auf unserem deutschen Speexx Blog.

La pratica del manifesting: è questa la chiave del successo?

La pratica del manifesting: è questa la chiave del successo?

Scopri come le tecniche di manifesting possono trasformare la tua azienda. Impara a stabilire obiettivi, coltivare un atteggiamento positivo e realizzare le tue aspirazioni professionali

Scopri di più sul blog italiano di Speexx.

Desarrollo de competencias: ?en busca del match perfecto!

Desarrollo de competencias: ?en busca del match perfecto!

Con una amplia variedad de soluciones para el desarrollo de competencias, es esencial encontrar el formato adecuado y... ?el match perfecto! Con la ayuda de la tecnología, los departamentos de L&D deben ser capaces de ofrecer a sus empleados este "match perfecto" entre coach y coachee.

Lee la entrada completa en nuestro Speexx Blog en espa?ol.

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Eager for more Speexx content? Don't worry! We'll have fresh content for you again in the next edition!

Until then, check out our Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok for some language-learning content.


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