European climate voting | NZI RenInfra report | UK blended finance | SYPA natural capital
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How are European pension funds voting on climate?
“In the UK, we have a problem with lots and lots of very small pension funds and there’s little resource for them to do anything...Better resourced funds have more time to do anything and one of the things could be voting,”
- David Russell, chair of Transition Pathway Initiative
NZI Summit: what are the latest trends in renewable infrastructure?
Net Zero Investor brough together leading institutional investors and managers in an event hosted by Triple Point and Arjun Infrastructure to explore the opportunities in renewable infrastructure investing.
UK foreign office backs blended finance in Pacific islands
“Many countries in the Pacific have adopted substantial renewable energy commitments but have no clear path to achieving them due to a lack of available financing at the scale required. Most renewable energy in the region has been financed with grants or concessional loans”
- Sidney Muturi, regional manager, Camco Pacific
How does the SYPA integrate natural capital in its portfolio?
“The environmental potential of soils has been degraded over hundreds of years. If we manage to reinstate that over ten years, we’ll be doing quite well”
- George Graham, investment?director of the SYPA
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