European Animal Commissioner for the welfare of animals

European Animal Commissioner for the welfare of animals

Congratulation to the European Commission to Create this position?(Eurogroup forAnimal) 17 September 2024 Press Release on LinkedIn

It's a beginning! I wish the present Quebec Government had listened and agreed with me in 2019, it could have been the first government to do so!

Please read my enclosed proposal to the Quebec government in 2019.

Let me know what you think about my proposal...


4300 St-Ambroise, unité 120, Montréal (Québec) H4C 3R3

Tél : (514) 878-2828 Fax : (514) 878-2830 Courriel : [email protected]

Montréal, le 30 novembre 2019 ? TRANSLATION ?

? (…) /

Par Courriel :


Par Courriel : ? / 4 pp

Madame France Lynch & Madame Liette Larrivée, respectivement Sous-ministres, Ministère de la Justice et Ministère de la Sécurité Publique, Gouvernement du Québec ,

OBJET : Présentation du projet Commissaire Animalier du Québec (CAQ)


Madame Lynch / Madame Larivée,

Why Create the Animal Commissioner position in Quebec because it is high time that the government gave a clear signal to the public that it is serious about the management of the animal population in Quebec and the safety of citizens. Also, puppy mills, accessibility to housing, the elderly people living alone who have animals, are all situations that require the attention of governments!

Also, because public opinion still too often influences the political agenda, and, because the population out of cynicism, no longer trusts the political class, the government must be visionary (as the city of New York came to do so) and confirm the creation of the Animal Commissioner position in Quebec, whose task will be:

- To consult the population and experts on various aspects in the management of the animal population and the implementation of measures to ensure the safety of the population in this regard and the welfare of the animals;

- To advise the government (and the national assembly) by making recommendations on the best animal and safety management policies in Quebec; and

- Effectively administer animal policies and regulations in Quebec, by coordinating everything with the various departments, including in particular, by applying coercive and punitive measures in relation to government policies;

This way, the government gives itself the means to distance itself from the highly emotional, and often arbitrary, context of the animal situation in Quebec, in order to be able to act all the time, instead of being in reaction, to ensure security of the Quebec population and the well-being of its animal population.

Finally, considering the importance of the inter-relations existing between humans /animals and nature, an animal commissioner can in the present covid context, help in the supervision of the veterinarian medical research efforts in transmitable diseases between animals and humans, coordinate with complimentary research conducted in human medical field and liaise with the Government.

First, I offer my services as a consultant to establish the presentation document to the government (legislative and executive) on all aspects of the proposal, namely:

- on the state of the current situation and the needs encountered by the proposal;

- the development of the different aspects of the commissioner's function and the staff structure during the implementation of the initial phase of the office of the Quebec animal commissioner; and

- the establishment of priorities for action initiated in the various identified problems, according to a realistic and pragmatic timetable;

Finally, I therefore propose myself for this position, having conceptualized this proposal and having the qualifications necessary to set it up and administer it, as demonstrated below.

First, I have no political ties and I have the experience of working in a mediation context, including having a long legal experience of 37 years (15 in the animal sector)will have the credibility of the public to take leading the process of implementing an animal management policy accepted by taxpayers.

Then, within, I demonstrated over the past 8 years, a philosophy of logic, pragmatics and realism in all our positions on animal issues existing in Quebec!

In conclusion, I am now ready to put myself at the service of the people of Quebec, in order to help them and the government, to adopt a policy of animal management, relevant, pragmatic and in tune with the times in which we live!

I therefore request a meeting with you in order to advance the present towards its next realization,

Me Bernard T Raymond

Lawyer / mediator and passionate chief of


? cc. Harold C?té, directeur, Direction de la planification stratégique et de l'information de gestion;

? cc. Marilyn Thibault, Direction des affaires juridiques


1) Article ? Attaque de Pitbull : Procès de Karim Jean Gilles… ? Le Devoir, 20/2/18

2) Article ? Lise Vadnais en mission ?, La Presse, 22/3/19

3) Article ICI Radio-Canada Estrie, Victimes d’attaques de chien, 1/09/19;

Article Chiens Dangereux : des centaines d’attaques, La Presse, 22/8/18


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