In Europe, A Moment of Truth at Last

If he does succeed in implementing it, this will undoubtedly be the most important project of his term of office. If he fails, it will be remembered as an unsuccessful rendezvous. For it will then have marked the start of the dismantling of the European construction.

For a week now, by taking up the idea (that has been raised in L’Express on July 6th, 2015), namely that of a parliament for the eurozone countries – composed of European parliamentarians and/or members of national parliaments, to impose control over a future European economic government, the latter being responsible for organizing fiscal solidarity and compliance with common standards, the French president has crossed the Rubicon: Without explicitly saying so, by calling for the formation of a eurozone government, he recognizes that the European Union must not be allowed to remain what it is, or it will fail and fall apart, and that, in particular, the future of the eurozone is to quickly become a federal eurozone, or else face ‘explosion.’

Thus, Fran?ois Hollande acknowledges that he now leads and conducts a federalist project. He assumes, therefore, the responsibility of contradicting the view and philosophy of a large majority from his camp and agreeing with that of a large minority from the opposing camp. In other words: He opposes some of the socialists and is expected to be approved by the Democratic Movement (MoDem) and a number of members of ‘The Republicans’ party.

Therefore, let’s await with impatience the Franco-German proposals that should follow and that will refine this project, currently in its inception phase. Germany will most likely, perhaps, emphasize control while France will most likely focus on solidarity. There is nothing wrong with that: Both are necessary. Let’s also look forward with amusement to the range of likely responses of the French political parties, which will have to break their deafening silence in order to start this movement and position themselves before it. It is no small task because such an initiative would organize everything in a political project.

Let us wait and see how politicians on all sides will try to explain that there is no need for this project, and who knows, that it calls into question national sovereignty. And yet, the Greek crisis should have at least reminded everyone these two obvious facts:

1. A southern European country needs fiscal solidarity and technical assistance to construct a State.

2. A northern European country needs the same thing, because the price to be paid for exiting the euro, in terms of competitiveness, would be unbearable.

This is quite well understood by Germany, who was the first to talk about this federalist project. It has become clear for Italy that it will be the next chosen victim.

This common sense movement should logically lead to a recomposition of the French political class. Or at least a major national debate on the nature of the federal European project, on the costs of resources and expertise to be pooled together. At this point, we ought not to be neglectful of the fact that there is the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), that will be used for Greece and has a maximum lending capacity of €500 billion. We will see soon that it will no doubt be necessary to triple that amount and finance it using appropriate tax revenues.

Unless, once again, the French and European politicians decide not see the choices to be made and keep on procrastinating. As they did for Greece for many months, or as they continue to do for migrants crossing the Mediterranean. The consequences of which are well known.

Ciaran O'Donnell

Senior Firmware Engineer at Lifeline

9 年

Il semblerait que pour Jacques Attali et President Hollande il appartient aux realites et aux populations de s'adapter aux governement et aux banques et non le contraire. Je leur souhaite bonne chance.

Jean-Claude Rosichini

President Aventia, Executive & Entrepreneur # HiTech Alumnus (Intel, Motorola, Nortel, Airbus, VTI)

9 年

Most european politicians have yet to prove their ability to manage properly their own country... this is far from being the case! So launching another "big plan" for an european federalism is a pure fantasy, and maybe a scapegoat to blur the sad reality of generalized incompetency.

Etienne Rosenstiehl

Associé chez Instant Book Technology

9 年

Why do we need a new institution like this ? It is because treaties and rules are not enough and some of the members crossed the red lines. Euro was built on the basis of naive confidence that members would be disciplined. One financial crisis is enough to show how discipline works among members. This parliament or group of parmemantarians will have to start his controling job by accepting that some of the members have already broken the rules. Tough job ! Not easy to build authority in such a complex situation. Second opportunity : the job cannot be restricted to control, this group will have to propose and implement new rules. For example they will have to define sanctions when things are going wrong, remedies to temporary difficult situation, etc.. As a consequence, this group will have to impose its decisions on the top of treaties. Does that mean, we need a new treaty to empower this parliament ? In such case : Good Luck Fran?ois !...

Tim Exall

Financial analysis and control (including accountancy) ; business analysis relating to these functions as well as marketing . Hybrid, remote and contract roles / projects welcome.

9 年

I do agree with you that the motivation for President Holland to make this proposal is likely to be related to the double or bust mentality of a cornered poker player. How else could one explain such a proposal when most can see the latest Greek "solution," as desperate and misguided as well as undemocratic. How the Germans agreed to throw good money after bad I do not understand unless one subscribes to the domino effect theory of Eurozone exits. In any case, to champion this development as the template for a new step towards federalism will only add strength to the anti-federalists. As a believer in the EU I want the council to wake up and admit that the Eurozone was one political hobby horse to far; common sense economics never supported it and the sooner we see it unwind or at least go back to include only those who live their lives in a similar manner, the better.

Emmanuel Tuchscherer

Public Policy, Sustainability, Communication, Business Development, Change Management

9 年

Un moment crucial en effet qui aurait du être provoque avant le désastre grec et le référendum sur le Brexit qui est devant nous. En revanche c'est une erreur d'appréciation de faire de la proposition d'un Parlement pour la zone euro celle d'un saut fédéraliste. C'est au contraire le choix assume d'une gestion en mode intergouvernemental de la zone euro, en dehors du cadre communautaire, avec une dose de parlementarisme pour complaire a l'Allemagne.



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